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I woke up the next morning about 9:00, refreshed. My brothers didn't wake me up for a change. I was happy about that. I got up, made my bed, got my phone, then went downstairs to eat breakfast. On my way, I passed Ethan's and Grayson's rooms and saw that their doors were closed, indicating that they were still asleep. When I got downstairs, Cameron was watching TV, and my mom and dad were at work. I saw my mom had left us a note:

Dear Cameron, Ethan, Grayson, and Ashlynn,
There is pizza in the fridge for lunch, dad and I figured that we could have dinner out tonight, so meet us at China Palace. Be careful on the roads, see you there, and please try to get along. Cameron's in charge.
Love you,

I sighed and rolled my eyes. All of us in a house, together, alone, all day, this was not gonna end well. I got a bowl down, and decided to make some corn flakes. I then poured the milk, put the milk away, got a nutri grain bar, and sat down at the table. While I was eating, all of a sudden, a hand grabbed my cereal bowl and said,
"I'll take that."
I look up and see Grayson shirtless in his underwear. I said,
"Hey! That's mine!"
He said,
"To bad so sad."
Then Ethan walks in, shirtless with basketball shorts , and takes my nutri grain bar. I said,
"Hey! That's mine! Guys stop taking my food! Mom left a note saying we have to try and get along, and taking my food and annoying me is not exactly getting along!"
Ethan said,
"Aw, are you gonna get upset?"
I said,
Ethan and Grayson laughed, Cameron said,
"Grayson, Ethan, leave her alone, like she said, mom left us note telling us to get along, so leave her alone."
Grayson said,
"Tattle tale."
I sighed and went to go make a pop tart. They actually didn't try to take my food this time. After I got dressed and put my hair in a pony tail, I decided I'd be a nice younger sister and ask Ethan and Grayson if they needed help filming, Ethan said,
"Sure, we are doing a taped to chair challenge."
Ethan winked. I knew that this would lead to bad things, not me but for Grayson. As soon as he said that, the door bell rang. I ran to answer the door, and when I opened it I saw my best friend in the whole world, Kaylee Patterson. I said,
    "Kaylee! Long time no see!"
Kaylee walked in and hugged me and said,
    "Ash! How's your summer been?"
I said,
    "So far so good, my brothers are back from LA for a couple weeks, and so is Cam!"
I pointed to Cam while speaking. Kaylee said,
    "I'd love to catch up in all but I've got some news that was to long to text and it wasn't good news either."
I said,
    "What's up?"
Kaylee said,
    "You know Nathan McElroy? Well he's been spreading rumors about you online. Saying stuff like, 'Ashlynn Dolan is the most annoying thing to ever walk the earth, she annoyed someone so bad that they jumped off of a cliff,' and 'That little Dolan girl needs to stop trying to be cool. Just because her brothers are, doesn't mean she is. Now I understand why nobody likes her, and why I hear her say that her brothers called her names. Her brothers get it! They don't even like her!' There is worse stuff with cussing but that's the jist." I looked down and sighed. I then turned my head towards my room and saw my brothers standing in the doorway of Ethan's room, staring at me and Kaylee. Kaylee said,
"I'm really sorry Ash, just thought you should know."
I said,
"Thanks, I'll see ya."
Kaylee said,
"Please don't be mad me and please don't worry about it."
I said,
"Kay, I'm not mad at you, I'll talk to you soon ok?"
Kaylee nodded then left. Ethan and Grayson made their way towards me but I ran past them to my room, crying. My reputation at school was ruined, and what was worse is that my own brothers agreed with half the student body...I was annoying. A few seconds into crying into my pillow, my door opened. It was Ethan and Grayson. Grayson said,
    "You alright Ash?"
I said,
    "Leave me alone."
Ethan said,
    "You've known us for how long? We never leave you alone, at least not for long amounts of time."
I laughed and said,
    "True. It just kinda hurts that everyone sees me as an annoying little brat, especially to you guys."
Grayson laughed and said,
    "You are that, but the only reason that you're annoying to us, is because you're our little sister. It's your job to annoy us and aggravate us, just like it's our job to annoy and aggravate you."
I said,
    "Who does more of the aggravating and annoying between us because 'it's their job?'"
Ethan and Grayson laughed. Grayson said,
    "We also do it because it's funny. You're younger than we are! When you try to fight back it's even more funny because your so short."
I scoffed.
Ethan said,
    "Look, when we were In school we got a lot of hate, but we didn't let it bother us. Sure it was hard not to, but we tried. It'll be ok. Don't worry about it."
I nodded. Ethan said,
    "In the meantime,"
He reached over, grabbed my pony tail and yanked it. I said,
    "Ow!! ETHAN!"
That hurt and made me mad. Ethan laughed. Grayson went up to me and started flicking my forehead. I kept hitting his arm away but he would switch to the other each time. I said,
I hit Grayson's arm away and They both laughed and then left. I laid on my bed and actually thought about what they said. I just didn't need to let it bother me because like Taylor Swift said her song, haters gonna hate. Just embrace it and go on just means they're jealous. Don't let it bother you. Ok. I took a deep breath, grabbed my fidget spinner, and laid on my bed and played with for a while to calm me down. My brothers were so freaking annoying sometimes but they care about me, and I care about them, that's all that matters.

Ethan and Gray's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now