Getting To L.A.

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The next morning I woke up early. I still had some things to put in my suit case before we left for L.A. I had to make sure I had enough of everything. After I got done I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Ethan and Grayson were down there already, suitcases in the living room. I said,
Grayson said,
Ethan said,
"Sleeping Beauty has awoken, it's about time."
I squinted at him and said,
    "It's literally like 8:00 in the morning. I'm surprised you two are sitting at the table able to slurp coffee much less awake In general."
Ethan said,
    "Yeah well, our flight leaves at 10:00, and it takes 30 minutes to get to the airport from the house."
I said,
Grayson said,
    "Before you go to fix your breakfast,
Ethan and I talked, and we agreed that you better not give us attitude while you stay with us or there will be consequences. Especially in the form of 'zappy.' "
I shivered at that name, zappy. Grayson and Ethan smirked.

    ------------Back Story----------
When we were younger, the boys would always build forts and buildings with Legos. Around the time that they did this they were about 8, almost 9. I had just turned 6 in September before their birthday in December. While they built stuff with the Legos I thought it was cool, and made a cool sound when they were shuffled on the floor, so I'd go in there and try to play by knocking their structures over. That happened 1 to many times one day and 8 year old Ethan yelled,
   "Stop knocking our towers over!!"
He punched me and Grayson pushed me over onto the Legos. I cried and ran to my mom. They got in trouble for being mean to me. The next time it happened was my last. Ethan and Grayson had got this toy called, "Electric Shock Prank Ball."
They said it was fun. It looked scary to me. Grayson said,
    "Try it."
I stuck my finger on the ball and my whole body vibrated and it scared me! I said,
    "Ahhh!!!! Mommy!!!"
They both laughed and at the time we lived in a smaller house so they had to share a room. Ethan said,
    "Don't knock out towers over again!"
I ran out crying. That contraption scarred me for life, or better yet traumatized me. But needless to say, i never knocked their towers over again.  It makes me shiver just thinking about it.
-----------End of Back Story--------
I looked at my smirking,
older, twin brothers, and said,
    "Deal. Anything to not have to touch that awful, so called, toy ever again."
They both laughed. I fixed a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table next to Ethan. As I ate I said,
    "Didn't mom get rid of that thing?"
They smirked and Ethan said,
I sighed. After I got done eating I went upstairs, took a shower, dried and fixed my hair, got a nice outfit on, double checked my bags, then went down stairs to meet my brothers at the front door so we could leave. My mom was already down there waiting. She hugged me and said,
    "Try to get along with your brothers ok? And also I signed you up for online school. If you need extra help your brothers will help you. Text me when you guys land. I love you."
I said,
    "Ok mom. Love you to."
She kissed my cheek, then went over to my brothers next.

Ethan's POV
My mom pulled me and Gray in for a hug then whispered to us,
    "Take care of her and yourselves. Keep yourselves safe and keep her safe. I love you boys and I'll see you guys again soon."
I said,
    "Love you to mom, see ya again soon."
Gray said,
    "Love you mom."
After she hugged us all we all hugged Cameron and then we walked out to the uber.

Ashlynn's POV
We got in the uber, then waved goodbye to our mom. We were then on our way to the airport. When we got there, we no problem getting on the flight or anything. Who knows how many hours later, we landed in L.A.
I was a little tired, but couldn't wait to see it. When we walked out of the airport, I was awe. I had only been there 5 minutes and already loved it. That is until Grayson pushed me. I looked at him and scoffed. This time he didn't do his normal smirk. He an annoyed look on his face. What was his problem?

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