chapter two

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Violet Waters sat in a chair on her patio. There was a small circular table beside her, with a coffee mug on top of it.

The sun had just set, and Violet was following her usual routine of sitting outside. The evening was her favourite kind of day. It was peaceful, but amazing. No one's seen what happens after the sun goes to sleep. Small animals come out to hunt, and leaves gently blow around on their branches. Shooting stars go by, and the late night walker with their hood pulled up over their head strolls by, lost in the thoughts in their own head.

The quiet was interrupted by a yell coming from the house next door. Violet glanced over, and noticed a new car in the driveway. That's one thing she hadn't noticed yet; she had new neighbors.

"Grayson, you forgot to buy milk!" A manly voice yelled out. The house's windows were open, and a soft yellow light flowed out of them. Violet watched as a boy with dark brown hair shut the fridge, and walked away. She shook her head softly as she chuckled.

A few minutes later, a door slammed. Violet looked over, to see a boy leaving the house. This one had lighter hair than the other boy, Violet noticed.

The boy walked down his driveway, to the sidewalk. Before Violet knew, the boy was walking up her driveway.

"Good evening." Violet said softly. The boy looked up, gasping slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"I know." Violet smiled softly.

"Uh, I just moved in next door, and we don't have any milk. Do you mind if I...borrow some?" The boy asked. He had now reached the porch, one of his feet on the bottom step.

"I'll see if I have any." Violet slowly stood up from her chair, and went inside. She carefully locked the door behind her, ensuring it wouldn't make any clicking noise.

A few minutes later, Violet left her house. She had a carton of milk clutched in her hand. The boy was still standing in the same spot as he had been when Violet left.

"Here you go." Violet said. She handed the boy the carton, and went back to sit in her chair.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to replace it."

"Don't worry about it." Violet replied, shaking her head.

"Alright," The boy went to leave the house, but turned around. "Hey, I never got your name." He said.

"I never got yours, either." Violet said back, smiling slightly.

A grin formed on the boy's face as he looked down. "Goodnight." He finally said, before walking down the stone pathway that led to the driveway, and left the house.


honestly I love Violet. I'm so excited to write this story oml

 I'm so excited to write this story oml

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