chapter three

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     Grayson watched as the small black car pulled out of the next door neighbor's driveway. He saw a woman driving it, who had short blonde hair and was wearing a black collared shirt. He assumed the woman was Violet's mother, and she was on her way to work.

     Grayson and his brother, Ethan, were in the kitchen eating their breakfast, before heading off to register for their new school. The boys finished getting ready, and left their house.

The house next door was silent as Violet was just starting to wake up. Her mother had left for work, and was driving her younger brother to school on her way. Violet was home schooled, because she felt she learned better that way. She had no distractions, and worked at her own pace.

Violet left her basement bedroom, and went up the four steps that led to the main level of her home. She then walked to the kitchen, where she started preparing herself a coffee.

A loud meow could be heard as Violet went over to one of the many kitchen cabinets, and pulled out a bag of cat food. Violet scooped out some food, and dumped it into the small stainless steel bowl that was on the floor. Violet gently pet her dusty grey cat as he started to eat, before going back to her coffee.

Violet finished making her coffee, and went to the kitchen table. She had all her school stuff out from yesterday, and got to work.


Violet was woken up by a loud knock at the door, and quickly sat up in her chair. She had fallen asleep while working, a small drool stain on her paper. Violet grimaced before wiping her cheek, and getting up from the table. she walked to the front door, and swung it open.

  A blur of grey ran past Violet, and her cat was soon out on the front yard. Violet looked up to see who was at the door, and quickly smiled.

"Sorry about him, he normally just runs out whenever he wants." Violet said to the dark haired boy in front of her.

"No worries." He smiled back. "I'm just replacing your milk."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that. Thank you." Violet smiled, taking the cartoon of milk from the boy.

The boy went to leave, as he turned around and walked down the steps.

"I'm Violet, by the way." The girl said, trying to hold back a grin that threatened to spread across her face.

The boy turned around slightly, smiling. "I'm Grayson." He said before walking down the stone pathway, and to the driveway.

Violet bit down on her lip as she watched the boy go, before rushing out into the yard to pick up her cat, and bring him inside. Violet shut the door behind her with a soft click, and went back into her kitchen, still holding the meowing feline.


Leave your thoughts on this chapter!! Their relationship is slowly progressing but it's so cute

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: I have two dogs and a cat

Q: Do you have any pets? A: I have two dogs and a cat

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Nyctophilia ➙ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now