chapter twelve

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     What seemed like hours had gone by. It was completely dark outside. No one was walking, leaves were still, and crickets had grown quiet.

     The only two people awake were Violet Waters and Grayson Dolan, as they talked quietly on Violet's front porch.

"I should probably go home...I have school tomorrow." Grayson chuckled softly. He didn't even know what time it was.

"Yeah, I know what that's like. My mom will freak out if I'm not awake by nine." Ciolet replied.

"I gotta be at school before eight." Grayson stated.

Violet looked over at the boy. "Uh, Grayson?"

"Yeah?" Grayson looked over at Violet.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but where are your parents?" Violet asked.

Grayson sighed loudly, with a short laugh at the end. "Ethan and I are in grade twelve. We moved here to start our own life, and pursue our own careers. After high school, we wanna...we wanna be actors. Our parents let us move here, and that house was the only place we could afford right now. We couldn't buy a place in the city." He explained.

"Oh, okay. That makes sense, because I never see your parents or any...parental guardian. It's just you and Ethan." Violet replied as she looked away.

"Yeah. We actually...we kinda have a job, if you're wondering how two seventeen year old kids pay bills."

"I wasn't wondering, but what are your jobs?"

"We...we're YouTubers. We make videos and get paid for them. It's actually a lot of fun. The fans are great." Grayson replied, smiling.

"That sounds really cool."

"It has it's perks."

A comfortable silence had fallen once more over the two teenagers. They just stared out into the dark sky of the big world they lived in.

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