chapter eight

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     Grayson and his brother went to school, like any normal day. When they got home, the house next door's driveway was empty.

     "Looks like she isn't home yet." Ethan pointed out, but Grayson knew differently.

     "Yeah. I'm just gonna go for a quick walk." Grayson replied. "Maybe clear my head a bit." He mumbled as he dropped his backpack at the front door, and left the house again.

     Grayson knew that Ethan would be watching him through the window, so he decided to walk past the Waters' household and actually go for a short walk. Of course on the way back to his house, he stopped in to see Violet.

     The nervous boy walked up the driveway, and knocked on the front door. Moments later, it swung open. Violet stood in front of Grayson, her hair tied up in a loose ponytail. She had loose black shorts with pink flowers on them, and a white tank top.

     "Hey, Gray." Violet said, smiling at the nickname she had used for the first time.

     "Hi, Violet. Can I talk to you for a minute?" Grayson asked. He had difficulty looking Violet in the eyes.

     "Uh, sure. Inside or out here?"

     "It doesn't really matter."

     Violet hesitated before saying, "come on in then." She moved out of the doorway so Grayson could come inside.

The boy looked around once he was inside. The whole house had a very cool toned theme to it, with lots of grey, white, and blue.

"Your place is so nice." He said softly. He thought about his own house, with it's nonmatching living room furniture, and walls that needed to be painted.

"Thanks, my mom designed it." Violet smiled. She led Grayson through the front hall, passed the kitchen and living room. They went down the stairs towards the basement, and walked to Violet's large bedroom.

"This is so cool." Grayson let out a short laugh at how cozy the house felt. It felt like a real family home.

"Yeah, after my dad left my mom really let her creative side take over. She always tells me she felt held back in her marriage, like no one would share the same interests as her." Violet explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your dad." A sympathetic look appeared on Grayson's face.

"It's okay. I didn't really know him. He left when I was five."

" and your mom sound really strong."

"My brother is too. He was born just after my dad left."

Grayson scoffed lightly. "He left your mom with a toddler and a new born?" He asked.

"It sounds pretty bad when you put it like that." Violet pushed open her bedroom door, and led grayson inside. The walls were an eggshell colour, with various pictures hung up on them. Fairy lights lined her grey headboard, above her queen sized bed with a large white duvet.

Grayson noticed a lump of grey fur on the edge of the bed, and a small head appeared when Violet sat down beside it.

     "Have you met William yet?" Violet asked, petting her cat.

     "Yeah, I think so. He ran outside when I came over one day." Grayson replied.

     "Oh yeah. Now I remember." Violet chuckled softly. "You can come sit if you want." She said, patting the duvet on her bed.

     Grayson walked over and sat down on the other side of the cat, who he now knew the name of; William. Two bright green eyes watched the boy as he sat down. William shut his eyes as he put his head back down, over top of his crossed paws.

     "So, what did you want to talk about?" Violet asked. Grayson looked up at her, a sad expression on his face.

 Grayson looked up at her, a sad expression on his face

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