chapter six

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Grayson and Violet had been walking for a couple minutes, without really talking to each other. They were both simply taking in their surroundings, and the life that happened when people shut their blinds and locked their doors for the night.

     Violet had led Grayson to an unfamiliar part of their neighborhood, and was pointing out different things to him, like the park she played at when she was younger, and the tire swing in one of the trees.

The sun was completely down, and Violet knew it had grown late. She started to lead Grayson back to their houses, and stopped at her driveway.

"Thank you for coming on a walk with me, Grayson." Violet smiled at the boy.

"You're welcome. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" Grayson asked, and Violet nodded in response.

"Goodnight." Violet said, and kissed Grayson on the cheek. He grinned widely as Violet walked up her driveway, and went inside her house. Grayson didn't start walking home until the front door was shut.

Grayson went inside his house, and went straight upstairs. He hadn't seen his brother, but didn't stop to talk to him. Grayson heard footsteps behind him as he went into his room.

"How was your walk?" Ethan asked, coming into Grayson's room.

"Fine." Grayson replied. He kicked off his shoes, and started looking through one of his dresser drawers.

"She seems nice."

"Yeah, she is." Grayson shut the drawer, a pair of grey sweatpants in his hand. He walked past Ethan, and went to the bathroom. Grayson shut the door as he got changed.

"What's her name again?"

Grayson opened the bathroom door, and glared at his brother. "I know what you're doing here, Ethan." He said as he walked back into his room.

"What am I doing?" Ethan chuckled lightly.

"You're gonna try and...get with her. But trust me, Violet's not like that. She likes books and cats, not...boys like you." Grayson explained, falling down onto his bed. Ethan sat down at the edge of his brother's bed.

"Would she still go on walks with you if she found out you used to be just like me?" Ethan smirked lightly.

Grayson sat up. "I promised myself that I'd change my ways when we moved here. You should think about doing the same."

Grayson got off his bed, and went downstairs. He went into the kitchen, and grabbed a snack before going into the living room and sitting down on the couch.

Ethan came downstairs, and sat down beside his brother. "You want me to change my ways?" He asked. Grayson nodded without looking over at him.

"Fine, I'll change. And I'll start by telling Violet the truth." Ethan got up from the couch, and before Grayson could question him, he grabbed his shoes and left the house.

Grayson ran after him, slamming the front door behind him. "What are you talking about?"

Ethan was sitting on the porch steps, tying up his shoes. "Don't worry about it. Now go back inside." Ethan stood up, and went to get into the boys' car. He started up the engine, and backed out of the driveway. Grayson sighed loudly before going back inside.

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