chapter eleven

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     It had been a few days since Grayson last talked to one of his only friends in his new town. The boy was currently eating dinner with his twin brother at the kitchen table.

     From Grayson's view, he saw the blonde girl sitting in a chair on her porch, staring out at the horizon. She didn't have a mug, or a book. It was just her and everything that was going on in her head.

     "She's outside, isn't she?" Ethan asked, noticing that his brother had been staring over his shoulder for nearly their whole meal.

     Grayson pulled his eyes away, and looked at the boy in front of him. It was like looking in a mirror, but Ethan's hair was different.

     "Yeah, she is." Grayson said softly as he looked down at his plate. He poked at his food, not having much of an appetite.

     "Then go talk to her." Ethan suggested. Grayson looked up at him.

     "Do you not remember the last time I went to talk to her?" He snapped.

     "Yes, Grayson. I remember. But maybe she's just...scared. She doesn't know how to approach you. So grow a pair, and go talk to her."

     "I have a pair." Grayson muttered as he pushed his chair out from the table, and stood up.

     "Atta boy." ethan smacked Grayson's butt as he walked by. The boy turned to glare at his brother before slipping his shoes on and leaving the house.

     Grayson walked down his driveway, and down the sidewalk. He started walking up Violet's driveway, and knew she had noticed him. She didn't say anything though, and Grayson kept his head down. He reached the porch steps, and that's when the ice was broken.

     "Hello, Grayson." Violet said softly.

     Grayson looked up, and couldn't hold back the small smile that appeared on his face. "Hi." He said.

     "H-how are you?" Violet asked.

     "I'm okay. How are you?"

     "I'm alright." The girl replied, and silence fell over the pair once more.

     Grayson cleared his throat. "I uh I just came over to say I'm sorry for what happened a few days ago. I just...I wanted to be honest with you, and I wanted to let you know that you mean a lot to me, even if I barely know you."

     "I'm glad you were honest." Violet said. "Wanna sit?" She asked, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the circular table. Grayson nodded in reply as he went to sit down.

     "I should've come over sooner, and-" Grayson began to say, but Violet cut him off.

     "It doesn't matter. You're here now." She said. "And, Grayson?"

     "Yeah?" Grayson turned slightly in his chair so he could see Violet better.

     "You know so much about me. At least more than a lot of people." Violet said, which made Grayson smile.

     "Well, I feel rather honored that you've let me in like that." Grayson replied, a small smirk on his face.

" Grayson replied, a small smirk on his face

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