chapter nine

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Grayson shuffled nervously on the soft white bedding, his hands starting to sweat. He kept them in his lap, so Violet wouldn't notice.

"What is it Grayson?" Violet asked. She was becoming anxious, wanting to know Grayson had to tell her.

"The reason...the reason my brother and I moved here is because we created a bad reputation for ourselves in Los Angeles...we weren't good people, and I made a promise with myself that I'd change. I'd be better. then I met you, and I knew that I needed to change if I wanted to be friends with you."

"Wh-what do you mean, bad?" Violet asked. She looked down at her cat who was still asleep beside her. Grayson noticed that she was nervously playing with his ears, but he didn't seem to care.

"We...were very into parties, and, uh hooking up with people."

"What does that mean?"

Grayson scratched the back of his head as he chuckled nervously. "I don't really know how to explain it. Basically we'd these parties, and take them back to our house."

Violet glanced up at Grayson. "did you hurt them?" She asked.

Grayson's eyes went wide slightly. "No! We've never hurt anyone." He replied. "We've also never done drugs, or gotten arrested either...if you're wondering that."

Violet nodded, then got off her bed. "Well thank you for telling me. Um, I'm glad you're trying to change, but what if you can't? Are you just gonna use me, like you used those other girls?"

"No, Violet! I want to change for you. You make me happy, and I want to be with you." Grayson replied jumping off the bed. Violet flinched at his actions, and woke up the cat in the process.

"We barely know each other, Grayson." Violet awkwardly glanced away.

"But I know enough. I like how you sit on your porch long after the sun goes down. I like how you can read a book for hours, never growing bored or impatient. I like how innocent you are, and how kind you are."

A small smile appeared on Violet's face. "It'll take me some time to process this Grayson. This is a big thing you just dropped on my shoulders. I just...I don't wanna get hurt."

Grayson ran a sweaty hand through his soft and styled hair. "Alright, I understand." He replied.

All of a sudden, Violet heard the bang of a front door, and footsteps on the floor above them.

"Violet!" A woman called out.

"That's my mom, you gotta go." Violet said to Grayson. She listened closely to the footsteps upstairs, and realized her mom was heading to her room.

Violet pushed Grayson out of her room, and led him upstairs. They walked to the front door, where Grayson rushed to put his shoes on.

"Vi? Oh, who's this?" Violet's mom asked as she came down from the stairs.

"Mom, this is Grayson...our new neighbor. He just came here" Violet nervously glanced up at Grayson.

"Return William. He got out the door, and I saw him on the front lawn." Grayson finished.

"Oh, well thank you Grayson. I'm Lorraine."

"Nice to meet you." Grayson smiled. "I've gotta go now. Bye, Violet. Bye, Lorraine." He said as he opened the front door, and left the house. Lorraine yelled a goodbye after him before Violet shut the front door.


Secret's out!!

Also, I'm trying to make Violet more introverted/optimistic. She's very innocent, and doesn't really pay attention to the social media side of the world. She likes nature, and being outdoors. That's why a few times she may seem "dumb" but that's not the case. She's very educated in different subjects, just doesn't really care about other things. If that makes sense lol

 If that makes sense lol

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