chapter fifteen

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     Ethan and Grayson started getting everything set up to film while Violet stood at the side and watched.

"What kinda video are we gonna be filming?" Violet asked. She was feeling kind of nervous, considering she's never done anything like this before.

"We were thinking maybe a types of siblings. Ethan and I normally have to wear wigs when we film, but you have long enough hair." Grayson grinned as he walked over and gently pulled at her hair.

"I'd like to see you in a wig." Violet replied as she tried not to laugh. Grayson scoffed lightly before walking back to his brother.

They finished getting everything ready, and started filming. The boys cheerfully spoke into the camera as they did what Violet asssumed to be their routine intro. Grayson introduced Violet, and waved her over. Violet nervously walked in front of the camera and sat down between the two boys as they scooted over for her.

     "What's your name?" Ethan asked Violet after she just awkwardly sat there smiling at the camera.

     "Oh, I'm Violet. I'm their neighbor." Violet spoke into the camera.

     "Yeah, she lives right next door. I can even see her house from here." Grayson said as he wrapped an arm around Violet's shoulders and pointed at her house through the open window behind the camera.

     "They're pretty bad neighbors. They never have milk, and listen to music way too loudly." Violet joked, feeling a slight boost of confidence. Something about Grayson's arm on her made her feel safe, and comfortable.

     "We had to borrow milk one time, because Ethan forgot." Grayson mumbled as he smacked his brother in the back of his head.

     "Anyways, what are we filming today?" Ethan asked Violet and Grayson.

     "Types of siblings!" Grayson yelled in response and threw both his arms up in the air.

     "Yeah, what he said." Violet said, pointing to grayson with her thumb. The three teenagers began filming the actual video. Violet helped them a lot, but they had to constantly remind her what to say in the different skits. They came up with five different types of siblings, and had already been filming for a couple hours. Ethan and Grayson would always go behind the camera and try to hype themselves up, making Violet laugh. She didn't feel like jumping around with the boys, but their energy was contagious. When they were finished filming, Ethan and Grayson did their signature outro before shutting off the camera.

     "Good work, team." Grayson said as he unhooked the camera from the tripod and carried it to a different room. He came back a moment later, camera free.

     "I think we deserve ice cream from all that hard work." Ethan suggested, a large smile on his face.

     "We just had pizza though." Violet chuckled quietly in response.

     "Violet, Ethan is like a vacuum. He never stops eating." Grayson replied. The two boys walked to the front door and started putting their shoes on.

     "You coming?" Ethan asked as he stood back up. Violet shrugged before also going to the door and putting her own shoes. The trio left the house, and climbed into Grayson's car. A few minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of an ice cream shop and everyone got out.

     Ethan and Grayson walked in front of Violet, talking quietly to each other. Violet couldn't hear them, but didn't want to be nosy. She just followed behind, minding her own business. Grayson held the door open for her once they reached it, and he smiled widely. Violet thanked him before going into the air conditioned store.

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