chapter thirteen

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     Grayson made his was home, and gently shut the front door. He quietly went upstairs, trying not to wake up Ethan. Little did the boy know, his brother was already awake.

Grayson was startled as he went into his room. He flicked on his light switch to see his twin brother sitting on the blue beanbag chair.

"What the-Ethan! What are you doing in here?" Grayson yelled.

"I wanted to wait up for you, and make sure my little brother came home safe." Ethan replied as he stood up.

"I'm not little." Grayson mumbled. "And I only went next door." He said in a normal voice.

"I know, but girls can be dangerous when they're mad." Ethan replied. He hit his brother on the shoulder as he stood in front of him. "I'm proud of you, Grayson. I can tell how much you like this girl, and you're really trying to change."

"Yeah, I do. And I am."

"I a better brother for you. So starting tomorrow, i'm gonna change. I'm gonna wake up early, I'm gonna pay attention in class, and I'm not gonna break anymore hearts." Ethan said with a small smirk at the end of his mini speech.

Grayson smiled slightly as his brother. "Thanks, Ethan." He said.

"Anything for you. We're brothers for life, and I don't wanna mess that up. Now goodnight buddy." Ethan gently hit Grayson on the back as he left his room, and shut the door behind him.

Grayson sighed loudly before getting ready for bed, and climbing under his cold, unmade sheets.

     Grayson sighed loudly before getting ready for bed, and climbing under his cold, unmade sheets

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Nyctophilia ➙ Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now