chapter twenty

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Tuesday rolled around, and Violet was messing around on her laptop. She had gotten bored of doing school work and decided to go see if Ethan and Grayson had published their video. Sure enough, they had. Violet smiled as she clicked on the video. Memories of her being in the boys' house came rushing back to her. It felt like such a long time ago since they filmed it, but it was only last week.

Violet laughed at some clips in the video, and watched the outro. She couldn't help but to think of how awkward she was during the whole thing, and decided to check out the comments.

     As the young girl scrolled through the comments section, her eyebrows furrowed together. A frown formed on her face as her eyes skimmed over the harsh words on her computer screen.

     People were commenting things like, "she's so ugly" and "stay away from my boys." A sudden sadness washed over Violet's body as she shut her laptop and got up from her kitchen table.

     Violet went to her front door, and slid her shoes on. She left her house and walked the short distance to Grayson and Ethan's house. Their car wasn't in the driveway, but Violet knocked on the front door anyways.

     After a minute of no one answering, Violet gave up. She stopped knocking, and sat down on the porch steps. It seemed foolish, but Violet wanted to talk to her friends.

     About ten minutes later, the blue Ford pulled into the driveway. The boys got out of the car, and walked over to Violet.

     "Violet, what are you doing here?" Ethan asked. He had been in the passengers seat, and was closest to Violet.

     "Is everything okay? What's going on?" Grayson asked as he rushed around the front of his car.

     Violet stood up, and glanced between the two very concerned looking boys. Her bottom lip trembled as she opened her mouth to speak.

     "Grayson, can I talk to you?" She asked. The brothers looked at each other, before Ethan went inside. He gave Violet a small smile as he walked past her.

     "What happened, Violet?" Grayson asked. He walked up the steps, and took Violet's hand. They both sat down and Violet stared at the driveway as she began to speak.

     "I watched our—and read the comments." Violet stuttered. "Your fans don't seem to like me very much."

     "What do you mean, I thought they'd like you." Grayson said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Violet watched as he went onto YouTube, and clicked the video. He began scrolling through the comments, the same confused expression on his face as Violet had earlier.

     "Oh, Violet. I'm so sorry." Grayson said softly as he set his phone down and wrapped an arm around Violet's shoulders. He hesitated before pulling her into his chest.

     "It's not your fault, don't be sorry." Violet mumbled. She gently grabbed onto grayson's arm with one of her hands, and allowed a tear to roll down her cheeks.

     "It is my fault, I should've known they'd get...jealous, or whatever this is. Our fans have never really liked it when girls are in our videos." Grayson explained. He gently rubbed Violet's back, trying to comfort her.

     "You probably think this is stupid." Violet sniffled, and stood up. "I guess I'm just not used to all this attention. I'm sorry for coming here." She said before running across the front lawn,
and over onto her own. Grayson had stood up and called after her, but Violet didn't turn around. Grayson watched as she went inside her house, before the boy went into his own.

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