chapter sixteen

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Violet ordered a double scoop of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone. Ethan and Grayson both ordered theirs, and went to pay.

Both the boys were hitting their legs, and glanced each other.

"Do you have your wallet?" Grayson asked. Ethan shook his head and turned to Violet.

"Do you have yours?" He asked. Violet also shook her head as Ethan cursed under his breath.

"I'll drive home and grab mine." Grayson said and started to leave.

"No! I'll go." Ethsn handed his brother his ice cream cone, and smirked lightly. "You stay here." He mumbled. Grayson nodded, catching on to why Ethan was volunteering to leave. He wanted to leave Grayson and Violet alone for a few minutes.

Ethan left the shop, and Grayson apologized to the cashier. He led Violet over to a two person table at the back of the shop.

"Here, if you hold this for me, I can pull your chair out." Grayson said, holding out ethan's cone.

"How about I pull your chair out?" Violet chuckled as she pulled out one of the aluminum chairs. Grayson smiled sheepishly before sitting down. Violet sat in the chair across from him as she started eating her ice cream. The two sat in silence for a minute until Grayson spoke.

"So, did you like filming?" He asked.

"Honestly, I felt super awkward the whole time. I didn't wanna screw up, ya know?" Violet replied.

Grayson nodded. "I know how you feel. We've been doing it for so long so we kinda know what to do, but I still get nervous sometimes."

"It's alot easier when you're the one writing the script though."

Grayson chuckled as he looked down. Him and Violet sat in silence again as they ate their ice cream. Grayson would have to occasionally lick Ethan's cone since the ice cream was starting to melt.

He got back to the shop soon, and ran inside. Ethan paid, and walked to the table. He pulled up a chair and took his cone from Grayson.

"Thanks for waiting for me." Ethan mumbled as he tried to control his dripping ice cream.

"Ice cream waits for no one." Grayson replied. Violet laughed shortly out of her nose.

"What're you laughing at?" Ethan playfully snapped. He narrowed his eyes at Violet before pulling a funny face and looking away. Violet's head fell back slightly as she laughed. Ethan and Grayson both started laughing as they licked their ice cream.

Rventually, all three of the cones were gone. Ethan, Grayson, and Violet all stood up to leave, and got into the boys' car.

"Uh, do you mind driving me home? I've gotta get some stuff done before my mom gets home."
Violet asked from the backseat.

"Violet, you live next door to us. Just walk." Ethan pointed out, and turned around in his seat.

"Fine, be like that." Violet frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest. She stared out of the car window until Ethan eventually turned back around.

"We'll drop you off." Ethan mumbled. Violet grinned as she reached forwards and tickled Ethan's neck.

"Thanks." She said, and started laughing when Ethan tried swatting her hands away.

A few minutes later, Grayson pulled into Violet's driveway. She thanked the boys and got out. grayson also got out, and followed her up the driveway.

"I just thought I should walk you home, after our small date." Grayson said behind her. Violet turned around and smiled.

"A date? You guys planned to leave your wallets at home, didn't you?" She asked. Grayson shook his head, but quickly turned it into a nod.

He smiled widely before confessing, "yeah, I wanted to do something with you."

"Aw, well that's really cute. I had a lot of fun today."

"Me too. We'll let you know when the video's posted too." Grayson replied. Violet walked the short distance to Grayson and softly kissed his cheek.

"Tell Ethan I thank him for the ice cream." She smirked before running inside. Grayson laughed shortly before walking back to his car.

Once Violet was inside, she leaned against her front door and sighed heavily. She kicked her shoes off and walked into the kitchen, where all her school stuff was still set up from this morning.

Violet logged onto her laptop, and went online. She searched up the Dolan Twins, and spent the next half an hour watching some of their videos.

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