chapter twenty one

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Violet hadn't left her house in two days, and she hadn't let anyone in either. Except her family of course.

Grayson had come by a few times, wanting to talk to the young girl. However, she didn't want to talk to him. She was still
embarrassed from when she went over to his house, crying about his fans.

Violet also didn't want to face the twin boys because she knew she'd become very sad. As she sat on her porch late at night, she could see them packing up all their belongings, getting ready to leave.

Ethan and Grayson were the only two friends that Violet had in a long time, but they didn't stay for very long. Violet knew they'd stay friends, but she wouldn't see them as often, or at all. They were moving into the heart of Los Angeles, while she stayed on the outside circle, where no one really lives.

It was currently about eight p.m., and Violet sat in her familiar chair on the porch. A light was on next door, and she could see the two boys walking around inside. A cardboard box was on the dining room table, Ethan occasionally walking over to put something in it. Grayson hadn't walked by in a while.

Violet sighed heavily before getting up from her seat. She took a sip of her nearly cold tea, and walked down the front steps of her porch. Violet walked over to Ethan and Grayson's house, and knocked on the door.

Grayson opened it. His hair was a mess, and his skin was red. Violet assumed he had been working out, and that's why she couldn't see him in the window.

"Violet, hi." Grayson said softly. His breathes were heavy as he tried to cool down.

"I'm sorry about before." Violet mumbled. She twiddled with her fingers as she looked up at grayson. He had an expression on his face that was a mix of happy, and worried.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize. I can understand why you're upset." Grayson replied.

"I was upset." Violet corrected him. "And I didn't want you leaving if we weren't on good terms." She stated in a softer voice.

"We've always been on good terms. Don't worry, I knew you weren't upset at me."

"Alright, well I better get going. You guys look really busy." Violet said. There was many more boxes scattered all over the floor. Some were empty, while some were taped shut.

"No, it's okay. You can come in. We aren't that busy." Grayson chuckled. Violet smiled softly as she stepped inside. Ethan came into the room, a pair of black headphones wedged in his ears. He danced along to a song as he put what appeared to be an xbox controller in one of the boxes.

Ethan looked up, his whole body going still as he saw Violet. He took his earbuds out, and grinned.

"Hey, Violet. Long time no see." He said.

"Yeah, but we all secretly watch each other from our living room windows." Violet replied. Ethan's eyes went wide as Grayson started laughing. "I'm just kidding, anyways, do you guys want some help?" She asked.

"Oh, sure. Pretty much everything has to get packed, and don't worry too much about organizing each box by room or whatever." Ethan replied.

"Here, you can come help me pack up Ethan's room." Grayson said.

"Stay out of my room!" Ethan yelled as Violet and Grayson ran upstairs.


I'm getting so emotional bc I love writing this book sm and its already almost done :((

I'm getting so emotional bc I love writing this book sm and its already almost done :((

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