chapter seven

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Grayson was in the living room watching television, and checked his phone to see the time. It was already close to midnight, and Ethan wasn't home yet. Grayson put on yet another movie, and about ten minutes later, he heard the low rumble of his car.

Grayson shut the tv off, and jumped up from the couch. He went to the front door, and leaned against the wall, with his arms crossed across his chest. Ethan came inside a few moments later, and Grayson was quick to grab him by the top of his shirt, and push him against the front door.

"Where were you?" Grayson growled, his knuckles turning white from his grip and his cheeks heating up with anger.

Ethan's eyes had gone wide from the sudden impact, but was now smirking slightly. "I just went for a drive, relax bro."

Grayson released his grip, and stretched out his hands. "What is your problem? I come home and you say all this stuff to me, then just leave?"

"I'm just trying to scare you, Grayson. I thought you'd figure that out. Do you actually think i'd tell Violin about your old ways?"

"It's Violet. Her name's Violet." Grayson mumbled.

"Whatever. I wouldn't tell her, because I think you should."

"Why?" Grayson narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"Because, she'll never trust you if you hide stuff from her. Girls are smart, Grayson. She'll figure it all out if you start acting sketchy."

"What if I don't act sketchy?"

"Do you really think you'll like her forever, for her books and cats? She's not bad looking, Grayson. You may just get tired of her...personality."

Grayson shook his head, and walked away from his brother. "I'll tell her tomorrow." He said as he made his way upstairs, and into his room.

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