chapter ten

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Grayson sulked back to his house, and pushed the front door open. Ethan was standing in front of him in a matter of seconds.

"You went over there didn't you?" He asked. Grayson simply nodded in response as he kicked off his shoes and pushed past his brother. "How'd it go?" Ethan followed closely behind Grayson as he went upstairs.

"Well, I don't think she's ever gonna wanna talk to me again." Grayson replied as he slammed his bedroom door in Ethan's face.

     Later that night, Grayson laid awake in his bed. He couldn't seem to get comfortable, and the events from earlier today kept replaying in his mind.

     Grayson got out of his bed, and carefully opened his door. He could hear Ethan snoring in his room, and quietly went downstairs.

     The house was silent as Grayson snuck into the kitchen. He flicked the light on, and got a glass out of the cupboard. Just as grayson was filling the glass with water, a light turned on.

     Grayson turned his head to see Violet walking around in her house. She looked exhausted, and her hair was a mess. Grayson immediately felt a pang of guilt fill up his body as he looked away from the window. Henfinished getting his drink, and shut the light off.

     Little did the boy know that as he had his back turned to the window, right before he shut the light off, Violet noticed him. She felt emotions almost as strong as Grayson's, and all she wanted to do was run over to his house and give him a hug.

     She knew that the boy was hurting, he just hadn't come to terms with it yet. He had tried so hard to conceal his pain, but right now his pain was like the ocean, and he was drowning.

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