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I held up the metal to my eyes. I had formed it into a rose, with overlapping petals. I hoped Zelda would like it. I had also used our kiln and some clay to make that cookie jar. Ryan and Aryll had offered to make cookies, but I wanted to do it, so I let them help me.

I was really nervous. The call I'd given Zelda late last night had me worried. I know I had called late, but her responses seemed a bit different than I had remembered. I wondered if she had changed, if she even wanted to see me now. These past four years had been hard without a solid friend to lean on. So many things had happened.

Zelda would be here in a bit, so I hurried and showered, opting for my normal attire of jeans and a green t-shirt. I wondered if I should have gone fancier, but shook the thought away. I wanted to show Zelda some things that nicer clothes wouldn't allow without ruining them.

I had filled the cookie jar with snicker doodle cookies, her favorite. I wasn't a pro, but I had certainly learned a few things from my father, who is an excellent chef and baker.

I frantically looked around. Zelda would be here any moment. Was I missing anything? I hoped not. I had the cookie jar in the kitchen, the surprise out back behind the house, and I was by the door. What else was there?

A knock at the door interrupted my train of thought. Oh, no. She's here...I casually opened the door, and a Gerudo woman was at the door.

"Oh, hello. How may I help you?" I asked.

"Is your father here?" She asked, her voice a bit husky.

"Yes, come on in. He's in his shop. If you'll just follow me..." I trailed off and began walking. She followed a few steps behind. My heart still beat about a million miles an hour. It could have been her at the door. My childhood friend, my crush.

I showed her to my father's workshop and left her with him. No doubt she would want a sword or saber or something of that nature. The Gerudo people have an extreme liking for swords and weapons, making it a great place for my dad.

I made my way to the door, where I was greeted by my little siblings.

"When's she coming, Link?" Aryll asked.

"I honestly don't know, Aryll. I thought she would be here by now, but she still isn't here." My lip quivered a little from stress.

Ryan eyed my nervousness. "Ooh, Link's nervous! He definitely likes Zelda."

I hid my face in my hands. "I didn't lie last time you asked. I do like her, but we're meeting to rekindle our friendship, nothing more."

Even saying the words made my heart fall a little. I didn't easily fall for some one, but I had a crush on her almost as soon as I had first seen her. It sounds a little cliché, but it's true. She's beautiful, smart, fun, adventurous, and quirky...

I shook my head free from that thought. I knew it would take forever to get off of it if I went any deeper into it.

"Let's go into the front yard and wait for her. She's bound to be tired from the long drive, so be kind and gentle," I counseled the younger kids.

They followed me out to the front and we shot hoops while we waited. Aryll jumped rope for a bit, then played hopscotch. We all ended up playing a family version of duck, duck, goose. We call it duck, duck, cucco. We have several of them on our mini farm and we use them in our game.

We take the cucco and use it to tag each person like normally. Play is normal, unless the cucco *ahem* relieves itself on someone. That person is automatically it, and it starts a game of quick tag, and the last person tagged becomes the new "it" person.

It can get a little messy playing with the cucco, but it is a lot of fun. Especially with Ryan and Aryll. Sure they tease me, but we always have a great time together. I guess that's what happens when you don't have any real friends.

We saw Zelda pulling up in her car and, of course, the cucco pooped on me. What was I going to do?

Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUWhere stories live. Discover now