The Plan

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Sure, Sheik gets a hug. She said she had just met this guy, why did he get a hug and not me? Wasn't I her best friend? I could feel my cheeks get hot, but luckily they were already really red from the heat, so no one noticed.

By the way, it is incredibly hard to have a best friend who is a girl. With best friends, you can normally be as dorky and as normal as you want. But with a girl, especially one as attractive and smart as Zelda, you have to try extra hard not to make a fool of yourself.

Have you ever tried it? It is incredibly difficult. Also, the fact that I have a huge crush on her doesn't help that problem either. I hope that this Sheik character doesn't throw me into the friend zone, because she said that she liked me back. But was it a sincere answer? Or one of those "I'll just respond to the question without knowing what it is to pretend that I was listening" answers? Girls are really confusing.

Or maybe I was just over thinking it. I shook my head to clear the thoughts, realizing that Sheik was talking.

"Thank you for coming so quickly. You may not know it, but you're both in a lot of danger here on the border of Gerudo Valley. Word is that a man, Ganondorf, is one of the most powerful men in the whole land. Meaning that the Triforce of Din will most likely choose him."

I interrupted, "Is that a bad thing? Who is this Ganondorf guy?"

He continued, "Ganondorf is the king of the Gerudo people. According to many of the women under his control, he has become evil and corrupt in his rule of the land. Meaning that if the Triforce chose him, the balance of the land would be thrown into disarray."

Zelda spoke up. "We can't let this happen, but how do we prevent it?"

Sheik shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure. I was supposed to take you to a Great Fairy living nearby and she would shed some light on your quest."

Sheik paused, uncertain how to continue. May I note that he looked very similar to me? He was a little taller than me, with the same build. He had short, dark hair that was neatly combed into place. Maybe that's why Zelda liked him. The same-ish features with the mystery and prestige of being a Sheikah Magic Guard.

Zelda piped in. "So, where should we start? And also, how will I know when my magic is working?"

Sheik shrugged again, a perplexed look on his face. "I don't know when your magic will start working. But you'll know. When my magic started working, I was going crazy. People thought I was on a crazy sugar high."

"I can't wait for Zelda's magic to start working," I said. "That'll be hilarious."

She shot me a glance. Really? It seemed to say. I shrugged back at her, and she chuckled slightly.

"Before we head to the Great Fairy's Fountain, I'd like to test your skill with the sword, Link."

I was a bit shocked, but quickly drew my sword. Sheik in turn drew his. He got in position, and I followed suit. As I
Placed my foot, however, I slipped on the wet grass beneath me. Zelda tried, to no avail, to hold in her laughter and Sheik followed suit.

After the laughing, Sheik offered me his hand and helped pull me up. Zelda was holding her stomach and wheezing. Wow, I didn't know I was that funny.

"Are you okay, Zelda?" I asked.

She gasped, "Yeah, I'll be okay. You're still as clumsy as you were when we were kids."

I raised my eyebrow. Did she just remember my flaws from our childhood? I certainly hoped not.

Again, I planted my feet, being careful not to slip again. He motioned for me to make the first move. I began a cut from the left, but as he moved his blade to parry it, I quickly moved the blade to his unprotected chest. He noticed the change, and began to counter it, but was a fraction of a second too slow.

"Wow, Link. I underestimated you. I won't go easy on you next time." He nodded in admiration. "We should get going, the Great Fairy will be expecting us."

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