Magic Potions Save Me

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Saving people, like a boss. And almost blacking out, like a boss. Not to mention climbing a mountain named after the end of life, like a boss.

Clearly, I am a boss.

I pretty much leaned on Link the entire hike. He was very helpful, with his arm always around me, his smile always close, and his magic potions in his magic bag right there if I needed them. Thank, buddy. Appreciate it.

My legs felt like jelly as we neared the top. I was tempted to try and use my magic to heal them, but after the water incident, yeah, no. I didn't want to die.

"You okay, Zel?" Link asked, handing me a sandwich.

"Totes fab, BF," I replied. "Besides the fact that my insides might explode and my legs are about to cave in, I'm awesome."

"Totes fab? Sheik, Zel's going loopy again!"

Sheik snorted, eating his sandwich. "That's only the what, tenth time since she got her magic restored."

"Be nice!" I said, swatting his arm with my sandwich. "With great power comes a great tendency to be insane sometimes. And no, I'm not loopy right now. I was just being sarcastic."

"Ah. My apologies."

Link rolled his eyes. "You sure you're not loopy, Zel? There's three magic potions in here if you-"

I decided then it would be a convenient time to kiss him. Just on the cheek though. I know, I know, I'm sorry. But I mean, seriously, I'm only seventeen. Sheesh.

He stopped mid word and went completely red. "Just admit it, Link," I said with a smirk. "You love me even when I'm loopy."

"How could I not?" He laughed. "You're adorable no matter what."

Zelda? Hello? Hi, Sheik. What's up? A preposition. Any way, don't you think we should be going soon? After all, your magic is starting to go a little haywire right now. The ground around you literally sprouted grass. Grass, Zelda.

My gaze dropped from Link to the ground. Sure enough, little grass shoots were popping out of the ground. I didn't realize that I was doing that, nor did I realize how close Link was to me....

The grass started growing quicker.

"Zel!" Link exclaimed.

And that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Zelda! Can you hear me? Aw, come on! Link, feed her more potion! I don't care if some spilled on her shirt! Make her chug it! Sheik? Sheik, what? Zelda! Oh thank Nayru! Can you open your eyes? Nope. Still out cold. Okay then. Link, pick her up and let's take her to Goron City.

I felt like crap when I woke up. I was laying on some sort of weird rock bed (not as bad as it sounds), with a bandage on my head and a bottle on the nightstand next to the bed. I drank the potion, feeling a wonderful tingling flow through my body.

A Goron walked into the room and frowned. "The green man was right; the lady's head bandage looks bad. Minigoron has come to fix it!"

The Goron opened his satchel and pulled out a tube of paste, taking off my bandage, smearing the paste on, then reapplying it.

Sheik? What happened? After you blacked out, you hit your head on a rock. Wow. You let me fall? To be fair, Link freaked out when you did, so don't be too harsh. Sorry. We rushed you here, just to be safe. Link and I are chilling with the chief, Darunia, right now.

Minigoron smiled. "The pretty lady is all better now! Minigoron agrees with green man, the lady looks very pretty!"

I blushed. "Green man? You mean Link, right?"

"Yes! Him! He told Minigoron to take good care of you! Minigoron said yes, I will care for pretty lady, and he said yes, she is very beautiful! I think he likes you a lot, pretty lady."

"Thank you, Minigoron. For healing me and for the nice compliment."

"I'd do anything for a pretty lady like you! Actually, not anything, but I would do a lot if you asked me to!"

"Aww, how sweet! Um, Minigoron, would you take me to my friends? I need to talk to them."

Minigoron lifted me out of bed happily. "Of course, pretty lady! I know where your friends are!" He carried me out of the room, down a set of rocky stairs, and into a large meeting hall, where Sheik, Link, and several Gorons were waiting.

Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUWhere stories live. Discover now