A Plan

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Oh my gosh.... Did Link think that Sheik was my boyfriend? Good Gerudos. I hoped when they met each other, the tension won't cause any problems. Sheik was supposed to be my protector, and Link was my best friend.

My head hurt. A lot. Had I been here a day already? I wanted to call my parents and talk to them about all this. Tell them about my magic, Sheik, and this quest.

Link was quiet. Obviously we were both tired, worried, and confused. He looked the part. His eyes constantly darted around the room, his hair was as messy as mine sometimes was in the morning, and he slumped on the couch next to me.

I needed to practice my magic. My ankle was feeling a little bit better, I guess, but I didn't want to black out again. I hadn't exactly enjoyed being trapped in a dreamscape with Ganondorf beating up Sheik.

"Zelda," Sheik had said. "I will meet you in the land of the Gerudo. But please, do not hesitate to hurry. I could use the help."

Images of him being tied to various torture devices scared me. What would happen to him?

"So, Zelda," Link said after some time. "Who exactly is this Sheik character?"

My face burned. The way he said it implied he thought we were a couple. "He's apparently my personal Sheikah Magic Guard, whatever the heck that this. And no, Link, you don't have to compete with him, if that's what you're worried about. I only just met him yesterday."

Link's face went red. "Oh, okay, thanks. Anyway, what did he tell you about?"

"We need to find the next bearers of the Triforce before anyone else can," I explained. "First we have to find Sheik. He told me to come to the Gerudo lands."

He nodded. "We should leave soon. But before that, Zelda, you need to call your parents. My dad and I tried talking to them and they went a little bit crazy." Link picked up his dad's phone and handed it to me.


There was a high pitched shriek from the other end. "Zelda! You're alive!" My mother said enthusiastically. "We were starting to panic. You met Sheik, right?"

"Yeah. Wait, you know about him?"

"Of course, dear. We met him in person just yesterday."

I almost fainted from shock. "He visited you guys but not me?"

"You have to understand, Zelda," she said soothingly. "His magic was acting up. Someone was preventing him from visiting you at Link's house. Besides, Austin and Sheik don't see eye to eye, so it was for the best he didn't come see you."

Austin and Sheik? What was that all about? "Okay, okay. But why do you guys know tons of stuff about our quest already? I literally just heard it!"

She sighed sadly. "Well, Zelda, as parents of a child chosen to play a part in Hyrule's future, Impa visited us when you were a lot younger. She explained everything we would need to know to us so we could be prepared. Austin and his family moving away to the Gerudo Valley wasn't an accident, although they did need the move. They moved there so Austin could keep an eye on the Gerudo. They are quite vicious people, after all. Keeping you two separate for four years allowed your individual powers to grow, without being worried that the other's wasn't developing properly."

That explained a lot. "But what does Link have besides his sword? I mean, I know he's good with it, and I trust him to protect us with it, but does he have his own magic, or his own Sheikah Magic Guard too?"

"I'm afraid not, dear. But his sword might be more useful than you think. Anyway, thank you for the wonderful talk, Zelda, but I need to go. And Sheik says to tell you that he is safe and sound, but that you two, by coming to the Gerudo Valley to meet up with him, have placed yourselves in incredibly great danger."

I paled at the thought of swarms of Gerudo women attacking us for no apparent reason. And Austin let those people into his home and workplace...

"Love you, Mom. I miss you!"

"Love you too, Zelda. And once you start getting your magic to work, drop me a call. I'll be waiting!"

I hung up and set the phone down, turning to Link. "Next stop, Gerudo Valley, where apparently someone wants to hurt us."

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