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"How did he tell you, Aryll?" I asked.

She smiled, but bit her lip. "He told me. Except, he told me in my head."

Saedi nodded thoughtfully. "Of course. His magic began working immediately after his contact with Aby. But his is different from yours, Zelda. From what I've gathered, he has offensive magic, used to react to his surroundings. It isn't tied to his emotions. And his, ahem, telecommunication magic has worked before yours."

Aryll snuggled closer. "I'm still talking to Link. It's almost like I can see through his eyes. Oh! Ow! Ow ow ow!" She started crying, holding her head between her hands. "No! No! Please stop this! Don't hurt me! Please!"

Saedi took Aryll from me, whispering to me to avoid panicking her. "Zelda, you have to get out there. Whatever is happening to Aryll is obviously happening to Link as well. Your and Link's parents are safe, though so don't worry. Another Sheikah had found Ryan and is bringing him back."

I sighed, running hands through my hair. "Okay." Poler, we have to go. I'm coming, milady. Meet me out front with front. Of course. I'll have packs for us as well. But are you sure you're healed enough? I'm not a baby, Poler! Of course, milady, my apologies.

I gave Aryll one last hug before another Sheikah came in to take her. Saedi walked behind me as I met Poler outside.

"Zelda, I'm coming as well. Between the three of us, we should be able to get Link out of there. And I am his guard after all."

"But how are we going to find him?"

"Magic. Duh," Saedi said, smirking. "I am his guard, I should be able to-" She paused, then doubled over like something was hurting her. "No.... No! No, no stop that! Don't hurt me! No!"

Poler gave me a weird look. "What is happening to Saedi?" He asked, calling another Sheikah to take her back inside.

"It's the same thing that happened to Aryll," I muttered. "It must be some sort of connection between Link and other people that makes this happen. First Aryll, his sister, then Saedi, his guard..." I glanced up at Poler. "Do you think it's his magic?"

He shook his head. "No. If it was we would know. I'm afraid this is much worse," he sighed. "Ganondorf must be using this, bond, for lack of a better word, to hurt people close to Link. So that means...."

I swallowed hard. "It should happen to me too."

"I'm worried it's some form of torture," he said unhappily. "By hurting those close to Link, Ganondorf would be able to get whatever he wanted from him."

"Which is why we need to find him asap."

"My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, Saedi was our guide, so I don't know how we're planning to find him without her."

"What about me? My Triforce piece should-"

Poler interrupted me. "You don't have that, remember?"

Oh right. "So we'll just have to wing it?" I asked uncertainly.

"Wing it? That is a phrase I am unfamiliar with, milady."

"It means we go without a plan, Poler."

"That would not be so wise. So many things could go wrong."

Impa came running out to us. "Saedi knows where Link is. She said he's somewhere in the collapsed ruins of the Gerudo Fortress," she panted. "And she said to hurry. The pain, her pain and Aryll's pain, it's getting worse by the minute. If it doesn't stop... You get the picture. And why haven't you at least tried using magic to transport you there? You'd never make it on foot."

I nodded. "Poler, can you do it? My magic is still a little iffy."

"Of course." Taking my hand, he muttered a spell and the world spun before we landed hard on the ground near the Fortress. Poler helped me up and we began walking through the rubble. We heard distant cries for help.

"I recognize that voice," I said quietly. "That's Ryan. But I thought he had been rescued!"

"We had better go find him. He might be in danger."


Poler and I trudged through the mess, eventually coming to a large and empty space where a Gerudo woman was holding a knife to Ryan's throat.

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