Dodongos Are Scary

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The first thing I noticed in Dodongo's Cavern was the chanting.

"Where is that coming from?" I asked Link.

He shrugged. "I have no idea, but it's really unsettling."

"Agreed," I said, shuddering. I just tried to ignore it.

The next thing I noticed was Link holding my hand protectively, which I was totally okay with. His hand seemed stiff and rigid compared to mine, so I squeezed it to reassure him. He glanced down at our linked hands and smiled.

Sheik looked at his map. "It looks like we're going to have to find the key to the boss room before we do anything else. This room is the one we're in right now. This one is where the boss is, and that's where the boss key is."

"It looks like the boss key is guarded by lots of locked doors," I commented. "How do we plan on getting past them?"

"See these little chest markings? I believe those are small keys. They should be able to get us through those locked doors."

I nodded, taking the map and tearing it in half. "Alright, Sheik, BF, plan of attack. We're going to start by collecting the small keys around the cavern. Sheik, you'll go through the left side, Link and I'll take the right. Meet up back here when you have three keys." They nodded in agreement and I gave Sheik his half of the map.

"Stay out of trouble, you two," Sheik said with a small smile, entering the left side of the cavern. "And don't screw around either, okay? We need to find the Great Fairy as soon as possible."

"We'll be careful," Link called, his grip on my hand tightening. "Come on, Zel. Let's go."

We entered the right side of the cavern, walking into a large cave. The ground sloped downwards to our left and right, leading to the lowered area of the room. Several green bushes with oddly shaped black fruits were scattered about the room.

"Think those are the plants Darunia was talking about?" I asked Link nervously.

"Yeah. That's weird. They kinda look like bombs..."

We heard a roar coming from the next room, one we had to go through to get the first key. We pushed open the door cautiously and came face to face with our first Dodongo.

Link let go of my hand, drawing his sword. "Zel, go back to the other room, now!"

"I can't leave you here!"

"And I can't let you become Dodongo dinner! Go! I'll handle this myself!"

I didn't think twice about what I did next. I ran back to the next room, grabbed one of the interesting looking plants, hurried back into the room with Link and threw the plant right into the Dodongo's open mouth. I tackled Link, covering us both with a protective forcefield as the Dodongo exploded.

I sat up, my head spinning, fully aware of the fact that I was sitting on Link. "Ouch." Thank goodness the forcefield protected us from getting covered in Dodongo remains.

He let out a small laugh. "You can say that again."

I dusted bits of rubble and dirt off my tunic. "Ouch." Link sat up too, wrapping his arms around me from behind and burying his face into my back. I thought I heard crying.

"Zel! Why did you do that? Neither of us knew what was going to happen! We could've been killed!"

"On the bright side, Mr. Negativity," I said, smirking. "I just figured out an easy way to kill Dodongos. Now we won't have to worry about them anymore. We just have to throw the plants into their mouths."

He moved his head onto my shoulder. "Please be careful, Zel," he whispered into my ear. "I couldn't bear it if you died while I was supposed to be protecting you."

I adjusted myself, turning so I was facing him, slipping my hands around his neck. "I know. And I'm sorry. But we both know without that plant and my quick thinking we would've been toast."

There was a pause. "Yeah."

"Good. Now let's keep going. There should be a key in the next room."

I started to stand, but he stopped me, looking straight into my eyes and not looking away. "Zel... I... I'm sorry for, I don't know, assuming you can't take care of yourself. You're clearly very capable of defending yourself. I'm sorry."

I gave him a smile. "It's okay, Link. I have been a bit of a weak link so far, haven't I?"

He shook his head. "You are not a weak link, Zelda. You're worth more than you could ever imagine."

His arms still around me, Link brought me closer until I could hear his breathing and feel his heartbeat. Then, leaning forward slightly, he met me in the middle, not hesitating to kiss me for a very long time.

It took my breath away. Literally. I could not breathe. My heart started racing, my head started spinning, but luckily, my magic didn't react. Thank goodness.

Link pulled away slowly, his eyes locked with mine. "Zel..."

"Yeah, Link?"

He paused and looked away. "We should finish getting the keys and get back to Sheik."

What happened to him? Had he just lost all of his courage? Well, if what the Great Fairy of Power had said was right, I should help him.

So naturally I pulled him closer and kissed him back.

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