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Sheik and I were trapped in Ganondorf's castle. The plan hadn't worked out. I closed my eyes, reaching out to Zelda.

Zel? Are you okay?

No response.

Zel? Zelda?

Link? Is it you?

Yeah... I paused. That voice was not Zelda's voice. It was eerily familiar. It was like mine, but warped, twisted. Oh, no.

Yes, Link, it's me. Your shadow. We found out about your little connection with Zelda. How could I not know? After all, I'm just like you.

I'm nothing like you.

Ah, but you are. Deep down, I know what a coward you are.

I shivered. It was cold and damp in the cell, but that wasn't the reason. I realized that he was right. I was just a big, selfish coward. I sat down on the floor and began to weep. There was no way to save Zelda now.

You're right, Hero. So much for your pathetic rescue attempt.

Ganondorf must have had a lot of prisoners, because Sheik and I shared a cell. The cell was completely bare except for a small toilet in one corner. There weren't any beds in it.

I looked down at myself. I was shirtless with a pair of cotton shorts on. They had taken my magic bag, my sword, and my shield. I was completely vulnerable.

Sheik was dressed the same as me. He spent most of the time with his head in his hands. I couldn't imagine how he felt, having failed yet again.

I noticed a lump in my pocket. I pulled it out. It was the ocarina my father had carved for me. It had a polished wood surface. Why hadn't this been taken?

I blew into it experimentally. It sounded as perfect as before. I began a melody I learned as a child. The tune was haunting, but I had never learned the back story of it.

Sheik's ears perked up. "You know that song? It brings back so many memories..."

"Yeah, my dad taught it to me. Do you know what it's called?"

"No. All I know is that the song was a type of love song. The composer's love had been abducted, never to be seen again."

I sighed heavily. "Just like now, apparently."

Sheik looked at me. "Link you can't give up now. Zelda needs you, now more than ever. You think you were the only one to suffer from loneliness? I've been alone my whole life, a part of my training. It has been incredibly hard to be alone. I have tried to hide the loneliness, but it has always been there."

He sighed, then continued, "Look, I know this is a tight spot. But we've successfully navigated other rough spots so far."

"I'm sorry, Sheik. Dark Link said I was a selfish coward, and he's right. I'm sorry I haven't been a better friend. I'm sorry, it's all my fault." I hung my head in shame.

"Link, your evil counterpart is just trying to distract you. He knows you can't save Zelda while you're here in this cell. You have to figure out a way to block him, or you may compromise the mission."

"You're right, Sheik. I'm sorry. Do you have any ideas on how to get out of here? You're way more experienced and smart."

He thought for a moment. "Maybe? No, that won't work..."

He kept thinking. He stood up and began to pace.

I kept trying to reach out to Zelda, but it was as if our connection had been severed. Hadn't the Great Fairy said that the connection couldn't be traced? I puzzled over this.

Link, you're running out of time. Zelda will be in trouble soon.

I couldn't see him, but I pictured a smug smile spread across his face. I shuddered at the thought. If he hurt her...

"Sheik?" I asked. "Do you know how to kill a shadow?"

He looked at me from where he stood. "Do you mean your shadow? The one that has Zelda captive?"


"Hm. Well, in our training, we're trained to defeat all kinds of monsters. When dealing with undead and ghosts, you use a lot of light and magical weapons."

"Okay, so I'll need my sword back as well as the flashlight that I packed. This makes it a little harder."

"Well, if you're done complaining," he said. "I think I have an idea of how we can get out of this wretched place."

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