Sheik and Fairies

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The Great Fairy, huh? Sounds cool. Sure, let's go....

Oh, never mind. You guys are having wayyyyyy too much fun pointing your swords at each other. I'll just let you have a moment.

"We don't have all day!" I complained. "If we're going to go visit the Great Fairy I'd like to get there before it gets black?"

Sheik nodded. "Of course. My apologies, Zelda. Which way to the fountain?"


"Your magical connection with the Triforce and its servants should tell you where she is..."

"Um, okay. My stomach says, 'go left'. Happy?"

"Zelda!" Link interjected. "No need to be snappy. Sheik's trying to help us."

I groaned. "I know that, I'm being serious! My stomach is literally repeating left left left inside my freaking head and it is freaking scaring me!"

Sheik chuckled. "It is very loud," he added.

"You can hear it?"

He shrugged. "Since I'm your Guard, I'm psychically connected to you. I can hear all of your thoughts," he said with a devious smile.

Dear Nayru.....

Please, Sheik.... If you're listening... Don't tell Link anything I said... PLEASE!!!

You're secret is safe with me. But I really think you should tell him. He deserves it. He's your knight. You two should communicate things like that. Sheik's voice echoed in my head. But now is not the time. Wait until you two are alone and somewhere secluded.

Thanks a lot for that wonderful advice.

No problem.

"So, left?" Link asked, glancing back and forth between Sheik and I as if trying to decide what we were talking about.

"According to Zelda's stomach," Sheik said. "Then yes. Left."

I nudged Epona left and we continued down the pathway until the desert scenery shifted from sand and rocks into grass and trees.

"What the..." I muttered to myself. "Where did all this come from?"

A tiny light flitted through the dense plant life. "Follow me," it said in a voice like a jingling bell.

Sheik lit up. "A fairy! Come on, we can't lose it!" He pushed his way through the brush. I dismounted Epona and tied her reins to a nearby tree and took off after him, Link closely behind.

Soon we entered a small clearing with a cave on the far side.

"Inside, the Great Fairy dwells," explained the light. "Please, go in."

Sheik bowed to it. "Thank you, Navi."

The little light flashed pink. "It is my pleasure."

Is Navi a fairy? Yup. How do you know her? Oh, I know a lot of fairies. Wow. You're a fairy's man, then? A what?! Nothing! Nothing at all. You're a bad liar, Zelda. It's impossible to lie to someone who can read your thoughts. Is it possible to eye roll at someone who can read your thought inside your thoughts? No need to get snappy. Don't you start too! Sorry. I'll be quiet now.

Sheik shot me a smug grin before heading in the cave. Link walked in after him, and I tried too, but some force stopped me.

"Excuse me, Lady Zelda," Navi said quickly. "The Great Fairy needs to speak with them in private. I'm sorry."

I folded my arms. Wait a minute! If Sheik could read my thoughts, couldn't I read his? Doesn't work like that, Zelda. Gosh darn it. Will you at least tell me what the Great Fairy is saying to you? Sorry, it's confidential information. Rats.

So I spent nearly an hour pacing the small area, with Navi
flitting around me to provide light. The sun disappeared beneath the trees and suddenly swarms of fairies all appeared, dancing around the clearing.

"Sisters!" Navi exclaimed. "Come and meet Zelda!"

I was immediately surrounded by fairies of all different colors, telling me their names and asking me questions. My brain became a jumbled mess of answers to questions and names.

A fairy floated out from the entrance of the cave. "Lady Zelda, I am Tatl, sent by the Great Fairy. She wanted me to ask if you need anything."

"Some food and new clothes would be good. And since it's getting pretty late, a bed maybe?" I didn't want to push the limits any further than that.

"Do not be afraid to ask for anything else, Zelda. The Great Fairy is happy to provide anything you might need."

"Then a weapon would be good, I guess."

"You don't need a weapon, Zelda. You have your magic."

"It hasn't activated yet!"

"Then allow me to help activate it."

The tingling filled my body.

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