Sheik and Aby's Punishment

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"Link?" I nearly fell off the bed. Again.

Aby smiled. "Yeah. We didn't want him to feel left out."

Sheik laughed, then looked at Aby seriously. "Are you sure you're absolutely fine? I need to make sure my baby sis isn't hurt."

"Shouldn't you be more worried about Zelda, Sheik?" She asked.

"She's fine."

I snorted. "The body bandages all over me say otherwise."

The door burst open and a panting Sheikah rushed in. "Sheik, Aby, Impa needs to see you immediately. Something about disobeying orders? And Zelda, she wants you too, but Sheik is going to have to carry you." He took a deep breath before hurrying out.

Sheik's expression darkened. "Disobeying orders, my backside," he muttered, picking me up and carrying me out of the room. Aby followed closely behind until we emerged in a large room with several older Sheikah sitting at a long table. Sheik set me down on a reclined chair and faced them.

"What is this about, Impa?" He asked, the anger in his voice carrying throughout the room. "We haven't done anything wrong, Zelda said so herself!"

Impa exchanged glances with the other Sheikah at the table. "You disobeyed Sheikah law. Sheik, you went after your sister and abandoned the one you were supposed to protect. Aby, you let yourself get captured on your way to help the one who were supposed to protect. You both disregarded the law and you both will pay the price."

"What price?" Aby asked, her legs shaking and her eyes smarting.

Impa sighed, holding up a paper and reading from it. "Probation for twenty years as you relearn everything there is to know about Sheikah culture, customs, and laws. And until those twenty years are up, you will be stripped of all and any ranks and you will be replaced."

Sheik....replaced? No, I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. He was like my older brother now. Its okay, Zelda. I'm sorry I let you down. I.... I should've never abandoned you. Don't apologize for anything! You were saving your sister! No, I wasn't. She would've been able to help Link on her own if I didn't step in. This is my fault, not yours, not Aby's, not Impa's. Its mine. Stop it, Sheik, you're making me cry. You can't take the blame for this! But neither can anyone else.

"Sheik," Impa continued, "will be replaced by Poler, and Aby will be replaced by Saedi. Effective immediately."

Zelda, I'm so sorry I-

And just like that, he was gone. Sheik? Sheik! Can you.....can you still hear me?! Milady, it is best not to think about him now. You must rest. Who are you?! Get out of my thoughts! I am afraid I cannot do that. I am known as Poler, and I am your new Sheikah Magic Guard.

Poler, the tall black haired Sheikah who was sitting next to Impa, lifted me up and took me back to the bedroom where I had woken up.

Why did they chose you, Poler? Because unlike Sheik, I have no emotional attachment to anybody but the person I serve. It is my duty to guard you with my life. Sheik saw guarding his sister as his duty, and that is why he failed his real duties. But what about Aby? Why was she replaced? Because Aby was a beginner, inexperienced and young. She did not realize the dangers of the Gerudo Fortress until it was too late. She underestimated her opponent, and she paid the price for it. But what was worse, was that she fled. Once Sheik freed her from the collapsed Fortress, she returned here with him instead of going to protect Link. No..... Just like Sheik did with Jaime.... Yes. Those two are so alike it worries me. Why were they chosen to serve such important people?

Maybe it's because they cared about the people they were serving.

Milady. Since this is an emotionally trying time for you I will cut you some slack. Please, rest. You are weary from your wounds and you must sleep before Saedi comes back with Link. I don't want to! I want Sheik back! I want you to leave! I cannot do that for you. I'm sorry.

Poler looked almost regretful as his magic enveloped me, shutting down my body and forcing it to sleep.

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