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Ah, the kiss felt so good. She pulled away a little bit later.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"I'm not really sure. I mean, we won. Right?"

"I think so. Impa said our quest was over and that we had succeeded in killing Ganondorf."

Zelda nodded thoughtfully. "Well, the Sheikah said that your family was safe, so maybe we should go check on them. They're probably worried sick."

"Oh, right! But first, I should probably take a shower now that I can move without dying. I still smell like Jabu Jabu, and that was months ago!"

She chuckled. "Okay, fine."


Are you all sparkling clean, now, Mr. I smell like Jabu Jabu?

Much better, thank you. Where are you?

My room, waiting for you. Duh. And waiting for my parents.

Oh, I'm with them right now.

I'm coming out there right now! I jumped off my bed and threw open the door.

My parents stood there, crying. "Zelda!"

"Mom! Dad!" I was hugged by them, Mom sobbing uncontrollably and Dad stoically letting a few tears falling.

"We were so worried!" Mom said. "I mean, I knew you had Link, and Sheik, and magic, but it's still my job to worry!"

"I know, I know."


Seeing Zelda reunited with her parents made me a little jealous, so I set out to find my family. I found them in the next room over.

"Link! It's you!" Aryll squealed and rushed over to me. I hugged her tightly.

"I was worried about you, big brother," Ryan said trying to sound tough. I don't know why he pretends to sound tough.

After I finished hugging them, my eyes met my dad's.

"Link, I've missed you."

I went forward and embraced him. "I'm also very proud of you."

"Thanks, dad." Being with my family again made the quest worth every scratch and scar.


The Sheikah held a big feast for us. Link and I were the guests of honor, seated on the left and right of Impa. From what I gathered, she was the chief, but she had obviously neglected to tell us so.

"Sheikah people! Tonight we are gathered here to celebrate the defeat of the tyrant Ganondorf!" Cheers rang through the hallway for Impa's brief speech. "Let's hear it for the heros, Zelda and Link!"

All the attention made me blush, but I stood with Link and accepted the applause with a smile.


I felt really awkward receiving all that admiration. I was used to being ignored and left alone. For all of my life.

I stood next to Zelda for a bit and then quickly sunk back into my chair. The feast began, and I quickly filled my stomach with the deliciousness.

After a long speech about the oppression that Ganondorf had caused and whatnot, we were all exhausted. I was still hurt and recovering, so I was tired.

I walked to the door of my room and barely made it to my bed before falling fast asleep.


Waking up to a bright sun, a warm shower, and my parents was a huge relief. Any pains I had yesterday were gone, thankfully.

We left the Sheikah lands around noon, Link and I using our magic to teleport us all to my family's house. Sheik and Aby let us in.

"You're back!" Sheik said with a grin. "We were starting to worry we'd be guarding this house for all time and eternity." Mom and Dad smiled at them.

"Welcome home, Zelda," Aby said.

Home. I was finally back here. I stepped inside, ran up to my bedroom and started crying.

"Zelda?" Sheik called up to me. "You need to come back down. We have to tell you something."

Wrapping myself up in a blanket, I walked back down stairs. "What?"

"Our immortality is disappearing. We've chosen to come back to our old lives here in Hyrule," Aby explained. "And we wanted to see our family again."

"Your family....." The words took a second to register.

"Hey, lil' sis," Sheik and Aby chorused, hugging me.


My jaw dropped. Sheik and Aby...were Zelda's siblings?

"Wow," I said. "I didn't expect that."

Zelda embraced her siblings, tears running down her face. They whispered something to each other and began laughing. Zelda turned to me and gave me a hug.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot about your birthday. My bad."

"That's okay. I was busy making sure my magic didn't make me loopy." I winked at her.

She laughed. Everything was looking up.

Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUWhere stories live. Discover now