Great Fairy Number Two

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"You're all covered in, ew, whatever that is," I remarked as they walked out of Jabu Jabu's mouth with the Great Fairy in between them. She was talking quietly with them, a concerned expression etched onto her delicate face.

It was true, the three of them were dripping with, um, saliva? I sure hoped it was only saliva... Relax, Zelda. It's not as bad as it looks.

Link shook it off in a matter of seconds, sending the mystery substance flying into the water. A few drops spattered across my face and clothes. Sheik used his magic to make it disappear. The Great Fairy looked unaffected by it.

"Yeah, don't remind me," Link muttered, getting back into his tunic. "Can you change us back now?"

I shook my head quickly. "Not until you finish putting your clothes back on!" I said, blushing a bit.

Sheik finished putting his back on so I changed him back. Link was having difficulty since a few chains of his armor kept getting caught on his scales. He was taking so long, so I decided to step in and help.

"Let me help you," I said with a slight smile as I fixed his tunic. "There. Now I can change you back."

He turned back into his old self, and I couldn't help but sigh with relief as I hugged him. No more silly Zora scales, no more stupid Jabu Jabu slime, no fishy flopping. Just Link.

I realized that the Great Fairy was waiting, so I let go and faced her.

"Lady Zelda." She smiled, bowing to me.

"Great Fairy."

She took me aside leaving Link and Sheik behind. "Did you get my message earlier?"

The water...."That was you?" I asked, remembering my astonishment when it had began talking.

"Of course. But that is not what I wanted to talk to you about. Your magic, my sisters should have restored it all, but for some reason your telepathy and certain other skills have been blocked."

"Telepathy? Like mind reading?"

"Oh yes, and also the ability to communicate with someone over long distances. You haven't been able to contact your parents yet, have you?"

"That never occurred to me."

She paused, lost in thought. "I think I know what has happened. The other Great Fairy you met was my sister, the Great Fairy of Wisdom. I am the Great Fairy of Power. Wisdom activated your magic, I tamed it, and our last sister, Courage, will finish unlocking it. I hope. I fear something might have happened to her..."

Panic filled me. "What?"

Her expression turned grim. "Ganondorf. He must have journeyed to her realm and demanded the Triforce from her. She is its guardian, after all."

"Where is her realm?"

The Great Fairy smiled sadly. "I don't know. But you should be able to find her, Zelda."

"Of course."

"That's the spirit! Now, if you'll excuse me, I must speak with Lord Jabu Jabu." She dove into the water, a bubble of magic forming around her as she sank.

All strength left me as I collapsed to the rocky floor. From her expression I guessed she wasn't the one who made the bubble, I was. No wonder I felt so dead.

Link and Sheik rushed to my side. "Are you alright?" They chorused.

"Fine," I replied weakly, trying but failing to sit up. My head spun round and round, refusing to stop. "On second thought, not fine."

"We need to get her some place warm and quiet so she can sleep." Sheik's voice got really distant, and little black dots swam in my vision.

"Agreed." I felt Link's arms slide under my legs and arms and picked me up. "Go ask Ruto if we can stay here."

He pulled me closer as Sheik nodded and walked off. "I'm glad you stayed behind. Being inside Jabu Jabu was unnerving enough. If you had been there... I don't think it would've gone the same way." A single tear slid down his cheek and he immediately wiped it away.

"Link, it's okay. It's over now. It's okay."

He took a shuddering breath. "I know, I know, I just..."

"Just what?"

"I was worried about you."

I squeezed his hand. "I was too."

Sheik and Ruto came back and led Link to a room where he set me down on the bed. It felt so good to sleep again, but before I closed my eyes, I watched Link fall asleep on the edge of the bed. I smiled, kissing his forehead gently.

"Good night, Link."

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