The Visit

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I followed Sheik into the Great Fairy's Fountain. Looking around, it was beautiful. The rock was carved to look like brick and a beautiful pavilion surrounded the pool of water in the center of the room.

Sheik walked up to the Triforce symbol on the floor close to the fountain. He muttered a quiet spell, and the fairy appeared out of the water. She floated in front of us, in a blue robe. The robe was embroidered with silver and gold with a large stylized Triforce on it.

"Sheik, Link. I have been waiting for you."

I quickly fell to my knees and Sheik followed suit. After rising, Sheik spoke. "Where do we need to go, Great Fairy?"

She responded. "Zelda will know the way to go. Her magical ability is being awoken as we speak by my fairies. Upon the activation of her magic, she will be able to sense others connected to the Triforce.

"Also, this quest will be very dangerous. If you did not know, technology has been corrupted and can be used to track you should you use it. You must not use them, or Gannondorf will be able to find you and destroy you. This must not happen."

She paused for a moment and then faced Sheik. "I know you have a rocky past, with many failures. I hope that this journey will strengthen you and push you to new heights. You have an extraordinary talent, but you must also practice to keep your skills sharp."

She turned to me. "Link, your life has not been easy. Losing your mother is a very traumatic experience, but you handled it with more grace than the normal Hylian. If you continue to face your problems this way, you will surely reach your destination safely.

"You both must learn to rely and trust in each other. The road ahead of you will be quite difficult, and if you are divided, you will easily fall prey to evil's minions."

She began to spread her arms apart. "Link, you are ill prepared for the journey ahead of you. You are certainly armed with a strong sword and with armor, but you will need more than this to survive the dangers ahead. You will need to learn to think on your feet and to trust your intuition."

She quickly spun her arms around in a circle, and a sphere of light formed. The sphere descended until it was in my hands and then dissipated. What remained was a shield, emblazoned with the Triforce.

"Take this shield. It will protect you and others from the harm that could other wise be fatal."

She turned back toward Sheik. "You will be stretched to the limits of your abilities and emotions. You will have many brushes with death, but with Zelda and Link at your side, you will be able to survive and finish your quest.

"Now go. Zelda will need your help as she will be weak from the awakening of her powers. Remember, only together will you succeed."

She sank back into the water. I was confused. "Sheik? Do you have any idea what she was talking about?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, but I do know that Zelda's going a little crazy outside. Let's go."

I followed him out of the fountain. We found Zelda collapsed on the ground, with fairies all around her. I quickly ran to her side and pushed the hair gently out of her face. Sheik wasn't far behind and was kneeling next to me.

Zelda's eyelids fluttered. "Link, Sheik? What happened? Why are you guys wearing hats?"

I touched the top of my head. I wasn't wearing a hat. I looked at Sheik who had done the same as me.

Sheik responded, "She's just really tired from the process. It makes you a little loopy. Also, she's thinking about cheese. Random."

I successfully stifled a laugh. Zelda was off her rocker and seeing your best friend acting crazy, especially when they are usually really serious, was ridiculously funny.

The fairies flew toward us. "Zelda needs a chance to rest, she's still weak from the transformation."

"I can help with that," I said and rooted around in my magic bag for the tent I had packed. I had planned on sleeping under the stars anyway.

We set up the tent for Zelda, ate some food from my pack and called it a day.

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