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I ran to the last place that Zelda had been with that abomination. I cried out to her, clawed the walls, but nothing was working. I sat on the ground and broke down immediately. I wasn't strong, I wasn't a hero. I couldn't even protect her. There was nothing I could have done.

I stood up, wiping the tears from my eyes. I couldn't save her on my lazy bottom. I checked my pocket. I had all the keys from my side of the map. I quickly retraced my steps and found Sheik at the opening.

"Took you long enough," he grunted. He paused then began, "Where's Zelda?"

I shook my head and explained the encounter with my shadow. Sheik listened solemnly, and he looked incredibly worried. When I was finished, my eyes were wet again with tears.

"I was afraid something like this could happen. And I haven't been able to get ahold of her telepathically. Something must be blocking our communication."

I handed him the keys, and we entered the boss room. Hopefully we would find some answers after finding the Great Fairy.

In the center of the room were 2 large Dodongos. They must've been the source of all the baby ones. Sheik and I each took one on and we were done killing them in mere minutes.

We explored the room after defeating the parent Dodongos and discovered a hidden room off to one side. We entered it and found the Great Fairy of Courage. She was laying on the ground. her robe tattered.

Sheik knelt to help her up. "Are you alright?"

She slowly opened her eyes. "I'll be okay once I'm out of is cavern. It keeps sapping my magic."

We helped her out of the cave and up the hill to her fountain. She dove into it and emerged with newfound glory.

"Thank you Link, Sheik. But where is Lady Zelda? I received word that she would be with you and that she needed my help."

I began to speak, but Sheik cut me off. It was for the best. I would've become a mess if I would have had to describe the encounter again.

Sheik explained our predicament, and she was concerned.

"I fear that the shadow is a minion of Ganondorf's. He knows you are all after the Triforce to protect it, but he wants to abuse the power of it.

"Ganondorf knows that if he can break your spirits, that there is no way that you will be able to accomplish your design." She paused briefly. "I sense her presence. It is in Ganondorf's castle. She is safe for now, but will not be for much longer."

"How can we protect her now?" I asked. "We're so far away from her now."

She looked at me with sympathy. "Valiant Link, I know how you feel about her. But you must stick to your quest, or she could end up worse than before."

Sheik spoke up. "Great Fairy, who have the Triforces chosen as their holders? How will we know where they are?"

"Well," she responded. "The Triforce of Wisdom chose Zelda. The Triforce of Courage chose you, Link. And the Triforce of Power chose Ganondorf. Thankfully, the evil one does not know about it yet."

She sighed. "I wish I could be of more help, but I can't without Zelda here."

I groaned. There was no way to save Zelda now.

"Actually, now that the Triforce has chosen its heroes, they are inseparably connected. I may be able to wake a telepathic, nonmagical communication system between you two, which would allow you to talk to her, and her to you, at will without any sort of tracking."

She clamped her eyes shut then raised her head to look at the sky. Her eyes had become pure green, and beams of light shone from them. I was immediately tired and collapsed to the floor. I was still awake, but I felt different.

She floated back down and looked normal again. "It has been opened. Try it out. But be careful not to startle her too much. And make sure it is a very special memory you share, so she knows that it is you."

I nodded and concentrated. Zel, can you hear me?

Who's there? What do you want?

I just want to go steal the cookie jar with you. It'll be our little secret.

Link? Is that you?

Yes, Zel. It's me. I'm here.

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