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"Hello! Welcome to—"

"I did it!"

"Did what? Did you had sex or did you had threesome or did you—"

"None of what is in your mind."


"I kissed Jenna in front of Cathie."

"Jenna as in your long lost friend and Cathie as in your bitchie ex girlfriend?"

"You are right about the ex girlfriend part, but no, Jenna is not my long lost friend."

"Whoa! Let us all take a moment and emphasize on the word ex!"


"Honestly, I didn't think you would have enough guts to do it."

"You underestimate me way too much!"

"What happened after you kissed Jenna?"

"She went all Regina George on me and said some really bad stuff, but I tried my best not to let hurt come across my face as you told me."

(A/N - Those who have read my 1st Dialogue story will get the Regina George part)

"That's a progress Goofie! Now tell me what did she said?"

"I can't."

"Why not? I am your therapist and I get all the rights to hear all the single detail because what you put into practice today was the outcome of this amazing mind."

"Urm. . ."

"Oh, comeon now! It's not like she insulted your sex skills in front of the entire school or she— wait! Did she say that?!"

"Yes, she did."

"Are you really that bad?"

"I didn't even sleep with her Meanie."

"So, you are a virgin. "


"Then how come you don't know about your sex skills?"

"Why do you want to know about my sex life? That is something I would like to keep really, really private!"


*Beep* *Beep*

"I don't know why she keeps hanging up on me!"


  "I don't know why she keeps  hanging up on me!"     ~

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