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I have not re- read this chapter, so if there are any mistakes, then let me know!


"Fuck you Goofie for roaming in the Pine Woods so late!"

Her face was red not because she was blushing or she was embarrassed, but because she was angry. She didn't know why he was there in the Pine Woods in the first place, but all she knew was he was in trouble and she needed to help him.

She didn't care that she was all prepped up for the party where she was about to go, wearing ripped jean shorts, black sleeve less top, that showed a bit of her belly and a red jacket over it and ran out of her house at half past nine, not bothering to say goodbye to her parents, not because her parents didn't care for her, but because they never questioned her decisions.

"She was an independent child", her parents always thought and she was really grateful to her parents for trusting her.

Grabbing the keys to her sports bike, she drove at the speed at which she used to drive while racing. She didn't know why she cared even a tinsy- winsy bit for him, even when she has never met him before and it has not even been more than one and a half month, since she had knew him, but somewhere in the corner of her heart, she had started caring for him between those useless talks and guiding him about his love life.

No, I don't care for him.

I am just doing it because he needs me right now. —She stubbornly thought.

She heard the sound of sirens blaring aftet her bike as she was breaking all the speed limits, but once they saw her bike number, the sirens slowed down. She has been arrested plenty of times, but not more than fifteen minutes had she stayed inside the cell because her dad was the head of the police department and all the officers knew that, it was useless to arrest her because she was going to get bailed anyway and also because it was an order from their head, her father.

She covered the half an hour distance in ten minutes, breaking her own record. Quickly, parking her bike on the side of the vacant road, she ran into the forest. She could hear someone shouting in agony, which sounded so much like him and other two voices which were completely foreign to her. She ran following the voice, from far distance she could see the glimpse of a guy lying on the ground.

Fuck, she thought on seeing two build men beating him.

"Leave him." She said, looking dead straight in the eyes of those men. She was fearless, obviously. No one has ever intimidated her because she was the one intimidating others. The one thing she has learned from her seventeen years of life was never to show fear to anyone.

"What a pretty lady like you is going to do about it?"  The one with long moustache spoke. Even though both of them were well built, she knew that she could take them easily, because obviously, being a black belt in martial arts and boxing doesn't come without a price.

"You surely don't want to know." Her voice was strong.

"We would love to see you try, hot stuff."  The other one spoke. Her anger increased to another level, when she heard him calling her hot suff.  She so wanted to kill him, but she didn't wanted to lend his father in any more trouble.

Just beating till he lose his consciousness is enough, she thought.

While, she was busy glaring at both the man, Goofie was busy admiring the girl standing in front of her. He didn't know who she was or what she was doing in the Woods, at this time, but for some reason he found her voice very familiar.

He was brought out of his trance, when he saw her landing a punch on one of the well- built guy. Then, she threw another punch and another and another, until he lost count. The othet guy tried to yank her off of him, but she knocked him out, by just hitting him on the side of his neck.

For a small looking girl, she could definitely hit like a man, he thought.

After throwing a final punch on his nose, she pushed him on the floor and said, "And this is for calling me, hot stuff, you fucker!" The guy was lying on thr floor, covered in blood. He was definitely going to need a nose surgery, he thought.

"You okay?" She asked him, but for omce he was lost in her beauty. Her long black paper straight hairs were cascading down her shoulders. She had dark blue eyes and pouty lips.

"Stop fucking staring at me, Goofie!"

"Who else?"
"Thank You."
"For what?"
"For saving me from almost being beaten to a pulp."
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Black belt in martial arts and boxing."
".  .  ."
"I know I am amazing, stop fucking staring at me!"
"Do you usually get ready like this before fighting?"
"I was going to a party, but all thanks to some dumbass who was I don't know why roaming in these woods at this time of night."
"Aww, shomeone cwares for me."
"Open your mouth one more fucking time and you will be fucking dead."
He shut his mouth, obviously, not wanting to take her threat lightly because she might beat him to pulp for all he knew.

He knew that he will have to answer that questioning look on her face which meant why he was there in the first place. It was something he never liked to talk about, but obviously, who would like to talk about a shattered family?

"I was twelve when my father left us, saying that he only married my mother for money. He wanted to transfer all my mom's money to his account, but my mom came to know  before the deed was done and when she refused to give him all her money, he left her saying she was good for nothing. I saw all of that with my own eyes and for a twelve year old boy, it was all very difficult to understand. When I was fifteen, police came knocking at our doors, saying my father had a million of some guy. My mom assured them that he doesn't live with us anymore and since that day, they stopped coming. These guys—" He said, pointing at two unconscious bodies, " are the men of the person whose money my father has and now, they want us to return their money. This is the third time, they came after me."
"Why don't you just go to the police?"
"He would kidnap my mom."
"Do you want them to get arrested?"
"So damn bad."
"Then come with me."

First detailed chap! Tell me your opinions on this one and this is the first part, I'll update the second part tomorrow!

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First detailed chap! Tell me your opinions on this one and this is the first part, I'll update the second part tomorrow!

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