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"Hold me."

She ordered him, as he was limping and on each step of his, either an ouch or an Ow was heard. Blood was oozing out of his nose, there were scratches on his arms and a deep cut on his left cheek. She didn't flinch at the sight even for once, because she has seen worse.

"Why are we standing near this trap?"

"You better watch your mouth, Goofie because this trap is your ride and very much close to my heart."

"You ride bike?"

"Bike is not the only thing that I ride, goofie."

His eyes widened as a sly smirk appear on her face. For some reason, she was oddly attracted towards the brown haired and black eyed guy, who was standing right next to her. She liked to make him uncomfortable, scratch that, loved.

After numerous 'no's' and 'fucks', she finally made him sit on the bike. He clutched her waist tightly in fear because he was no bad boy who loved to ride bikes, infact he was afraid of it, but he didnt dare utter a word, that's how afraid he was of Meanie.
After putting the key into ignition, the bike roared to life and she destinated their way to her home.

"I *breathe* am *breathe* never, ever, riding this thing again!"

"You secretly enjoyed it."

"Enjoyed my foot! You ride so fast!"

"Girls don't ride, Goofie!"

His eyes once again widened on the blunt reply of her. The one thing which he was oddly uncomfortable of was talking about any sexual thing, even if they are innuendoes, but guess he would have to get used to it.

"You drove at the speed of , like, 100!"

"It was actually 125."

"Are you crazy?! We could have been arrested!"

"It would not be my first time."

"You've been arrested before?!"

"No biggie."


"Oh shush now and let's go."


She pointed her finger towards the house across. He was confused at first, but slowly understood that it was her home, but one thing he didn't understood was why she brought him at her place.

'She is a weird one', he thought.

She opened the door of her home and he was stunned looking at the beauty of her home. Everything was perfectly organised from the chandelier to the antiques to the couch. Heck, even the tiles looked too expensive.

"You are so rich."

"I guess, being the head of the police department and a surgeon pays well."

"Your dad and mum?"

"No, tweedle dee and tweedle dum."



After successfully shutting him up, she started walking upstairs with Goofie hot on her tails. She took a right and pushed the door of the second room.

Her room was painted red and black with a slight pinge of white. It looked kind of scary, ' just like her', he thought.


She ordered him by gesturing him towards the bed. Numerous thoughts shuffled into his brain, but he sat nevertheless. She sat beside him and moved closer towards him.

"Wh- What are y- you doing?"

"I am gonna fuck you, right now."

"Wh- What?!"

"It's nothing, just few kisses and smooches and few hickeys here and the—"

"I know what it means!"

"Good because I am in no mood for explaining."

"I am not going to have sex with you!"

"You don't have any other option. You ruin my fun for tonight, so now pleasure me."

She moved closer and he stiffened at the very close distance between them. A wrong move and their lips would be on each other. He was feeling really uncomfortable and she muttered ' such a girl' under her breath.

"Relax dude! I am just going to clean those wounds."

He sighed in relief and nodded his head. She poured a bit of alcohol on cotton and dabbed on his face. A slight 'ow' escaped from his mouth and she muttered ' such a pussy!'

"Ey! I heard that!"

"You were supposed to!"

After few occassional 'ow's' and 'oo's' he was finally done with all those cleaning and stuff. He was staring at her the whole time, but what he didn't realise was she was staring at him the whole time too.

She found his black eyes mesmerizing, even though it was just a normal shade. He was handsome and she knew it, but she was never going to say it in his face. He had amazing brown spikey hairs and she always had the hots for it. No matter how much she denied, but she knew that she felt something for him.

But it was not only a one way thing, where she was denying her feelings towards him, he was growing more and more feelings for her. They didn't had any special talks or had ever met before, but the connection they were feeling for each other was strong.

Beyond strong.

"My dad will help you with your father stuff."

"No, I —"

"Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen to your mom, I'll make sure of it."

For some reason he believed her. He has started trusting her words more than he trusts himself. A girl who can knock two builders in just the blink of an eye can obviously protect his mother.


Hearing her say 'leave' so bluntly, shocked him for a moment, but still, a smile crept upon his lips. She was beautiful in her own rude, blunt and dangerous kind of way. There was something about her that was drawing him closer and closer towards her.

Never had he thought that he was going to fall in love with her, his therapist. The one who helped him overcome his breakup. Sometimes, he would just call her uselessly, only to hear her voice, which sounded much more smooth and sweet in real.

She opened the door and pushed him out of her home, just a second before she could close the door on his face, he hold her face and smashed his lips upon hers. He just couldn't resist himself from doing so, as her face held that angelic plus devilish aura in the moonlight.

There are many outcomes that could result from an unexpected kiss, but what he didn't expect was a punch which was thrown on his face. Even though, she liked the kiss, she enjoyed it and obviously, she kissed him back with the same passion, but this kiss corrupted her mind and heart. It made her feelings much more complicated then before. Maybe, she has started liking him in more than the platonic way.

Or maybe she has started to fall in love with him.



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