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"You should stop hanging up on me like that!"

"And you should stop interrupting my greeting line."


"Why'd you call again?"

"And here I thought that we were best​friends!"

"I don't do best friends thing, Goofie."

"For a teenage girl, you surely are different."

"And so I've been told. Now, back to the point, why'd you call again?"

"I have never had a breakup before."


"So? What so? Help me with it. You are my therapist!"

"I don't know, go eat tacos, watch some action movies, join some football club and maybe fuc—"

"I don't want to listen the last part!"

"You are such a virgin, Goofie."

"I am not!"

"Tell me the last time you fucked someone."

"I'd prefer calling it making love and it was before Christmas."

"That is five months and you say you're not a virgin."

"Shut Up."

*Beep* *Beep*

"I didn't think she would do it literally!"


I would call this chapter short and sweet, what would you call it?

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