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This chapter is dedicated to all those readers who were with me in the journey of Breakup Helpline from the beginning. Love ya all soooo much! <3


"Hello, welcome to Breakup Helpline. How may I help you?"

"When do you think is the perfect time for marriage?"

"Why? Are you planning to marry someone?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."


"Is that jealousy that I smell?"

"Neh, must be your fart."


"After 20."


"That was the answer to your question."




"I know you are planning something, Goofie. So spit out. What is it?"

"I am not planning anything!"

"Then do tell me why the fuck all of my colleagues are giving me googly eyes and why the fuck my boss is showing me a 'thumbs up' sign and why the fuck are you standing in the middle of the office with that cheeky smile! What are you even doing here in the first fucking place!"

"Chill for a moment baby. You are always so uptight."

"Obviously I would be uptight if I would find my fucking boyfriend in my fucking work place standing on a fucking chair! And let me tell you that one of the leg of that chair is broken."


"Told ya!"

"Should have told me before!"

"Not my fault that you didn't see one of the leg of the chair missing."

"My butt hurts!"

"Goofie, why are you walking towards me?"

". . ."

"Why are you taking out a box from your pocket?"

". . ."

"Why do I think that you are upto something?"

". . ."

"Fucking say something, Goofie!"

"Meanie Aka Adrianna Aka my dear girlfriend of two years, I love you and obviously, this is not the first time I am telling you. I love you and will keep loving you for eternity and for that I need you to bring your left hand forward."

*Brings her leftt hand forward*

*Slids ring on her third finger.*

"Is this a fucking joke?"

"Two years back, I made you mine by making you my girlfriend and today, once again I made you mine by making you my wife."

"Except for the fact that I didn't agree on marrying you!"

"Doesn't matter. There is a ring on your finger for a reason."

"I can just throw it out, you know."

"Don't even dare!"

"I don't want to marry you."



"You like someone else, don't you?"


"I don't care! You are marrying me whether you love me or not."

"This is not how it all works, Brett!"

"Then tell me how does it work!?"

"Propose me, properly."

"Ms. Adrianna David Winslet , will you do the honours of being my wife and keeping up with my insanity for eternity?"

"Yes, Mr. Brett Rose Sandler, I will!"

"If you were going to say yes in the first place, then why did you gave me a freaking heart attack?"

"You are cute when you are nervous."

"You are such a sadist!"

"A sadist that you love."

"Indeed, I do."


Aah! Finally!

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Aah! Finally!

Thank you to all my followers, supporters, voters, commenters, readers and even those who red few of my chapters and then didn't read it any further, I love you all! Thank you for showing so much love on both of my short stories!! You don't know how much it means to me.

It would be amazing if you would check my other stories too, like Trapped In Love which is my new story.

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