
5.1K 93 16

Hello everyone and a big thank you to all of you for making this story reach #29 in SS.

I am not writing this to say thank you and blah blah blah all the stuff, but I need your suggestion and it would be amazing if more of you guys could suggest me.

So, the thing is, I want to write another SS, but I am confused between the characters of the plot. Like, should I take the girl as sarcastic like other two short stories or for a change, do you want me to swap their characters?
Or any depressing stuff? Like maybe the girl feels suicidal and stuff, or do you guys want the sarcastic, witty and humorous stuff? I don't know and I am just so confused and it would be amazing if you guys would comment as much as you can.



Ps: It's an old note, I have written like 7-8 SS after this. Suggestions are still welcome, but not for the short story, for a novel.

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