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"Hello, welcome to Breakup Helpline. I am here to solve your unsolved relationship!"

"You seem happy. Does that mean you like my gift? So, am I forgiven yet?"

"What even gave you the slightest idea that I liked your gift?"

"B- But, every girl like chocolates!"

"Do you take me for a commoner?"

"You seriously didn't like it?"

"Well, let's see. One, I loathe chocolates and I've never tasted one since. . . I don't know when. Two, I am allergic to Hazel Nuts and because you sent Ferrero Rocher, my face has now transformed from a panda to a freaking Rhinoceros and three, I am just one step away from sending you to a graveyard."

"Uh- Okay."

"Why even are you so persistent for my apology?"

"Because I insulted you."

"And I do that all the time."

"We are different."

"Indeed, everyone is!"

"Why don't you forgive me already?"

"Why should I?"

"Because I am trying here, comeon!"

"The boy down the street is trying to get in my pants past two years, so should I give in to him because he is trying so hard?"

"That's not what I meant!"

"You never mean most of the things. Are you sure you meant it when you said you are a guy?"

"Obviously! Why would I had a girlfriend then?"

"Because you were trying to fool people?

"What?! No!"

"It's okay to be gay. I have many gay friends who are ready to mingle. Should I send someone?"

"For god's sake, I am not gay, Meanie!"

"What's so bad in being gay?"


"Then why don't you want to become gay?"

"Oh my god! I am not a gay, Meanie, okay?"

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I like girls!"

"When was the last time you saw a dick?"

"In the morning when I was taking a shower?"

"And the last time you saw a vagina?"

". . ."

"See? Here's your answer!"

"I will call you again when you are not so persistent on making me gay. Bye!"

*Beep* *Beep*

"Don't you fucking dare touch my chocolates!"


New chappy!

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New chappy!

Honestly, I had so much fun while writing this chapter and I hope that you enjoy this chapter as much I do.

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