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She didn't knew what was going to come. Her heart was beating fast and it was thumping really loud, like it would just come out of the ribcage any moment. She knew she loved him, but just the thought that, what if they won't end up together in the future was haunting her. She didn't want to make him suffer by not reciprocating the feelings, but she thought it was the best she could do, to prevent themselves from getting hurt in the future.

She knew that Goofie was the only one who sent her all those flowers and gifts, because CCTV cameras on the gates of the head of the police department is the must thing, but she wanted to make him nervous and flustered, like he does to her without even knowing it and she hated him for that.

Yes, she had the heart of stone, but there was actually a soft spot for him in it. She was afraid that maybe, after truly knowing her, he would dump her and then she wouldn't be able control herself from killing him and she didn't want him to be dead. Yet.

For someone working at the couple's helpline, she was definitely dumb about what to do with her feelings and this feeling of helplessness was making her frustrating.

Is he really there or is it some kind of a fucking prank? She thought and angrily stood up from her seat.

"If it is a fucking prank, then I am gonna slit his throat, literally this time!" She muttered under her breath.

She placed her foot outside the office, all set and planned to kill him, when she was attacked with a pair of warm lips.

His lips!

He was kissing her right outside the place she was working and she was not nervous at all. His lips were working perfectly in calming her nerves.

The way his lips were attached to hers, the way he was kissing, like he was trying to prove his love through that kiss, like he was putting all his love in that kiss, was mesmerizing. She kissed him with equal passion and love, fisting his hairs and pulling him closer. He was the one to pull away from her first, catching his breath and his heart which was thumping loudly.

He had prepared himself for this day. The moment she told him that she don't like clichés, he started preparing himself.

'If she doesn't like clichés, then I am going to make her mine in the most uncliché way known to mankind.'

Kissing a girl? Sounds easy right? But try kissing a girl who is a black belt in martial arts and boxing and who punched you not even three days before for kissing her, it's tough.

He didn't know what she was going to do this time. Maybe punch him, slap him or the worst, kill him for approaching her again after she made clear that she doesn't wanted to do anything with him. But he was ready to take all the risks, he was ready to prove her that he truly loves her and he was not gay, not even 0.0001 percent.

He didn't know if she even liked him or not, but he had a hope, a tiny amount of hope, that no matter how much she denies, she has some feelings for him.

When she stepped her foot out of the office, he became all nervous, maybe kissing her without even proposing her was not a good idea, maybe he should just back- off and let her think that it was really a joke, but what is a love story without facing risk, right?

The moment she kissed him back, he knew that what he did was right. He could feel all the fireworks and sparks, but he was not happy about one thing and it was, she could kiss better than him. She was the one to break the awkward tension.

"Do you want me to punch you again?"

"I know you won't."

"Cocky much?"

"Which girlfriend punches their boyfriend for kissing her?"

"Whoa! When did I became your girlfriend?"

"The moment you kissed me back."

"This is not how it works, Goofie."

"You were the one who hated clichés! This was the best uncliché proposal I could think of."

"Except for the fact that there was no proposal at all."

"Doesn't matter! You are my girlfriend and there is nothing you can do about it."

"I could just dump you, Goofie."

"By throwing me in the nearest dustbin?"

A smile crept upon her face and she kissed him again to let him know that she was happy to be his girlfriend, happy to have someone who was ready to take the risk of getting a punch from her and that was the moment she realised that it was high time she takes the risk of loving someone.

A cough made her pull away from him. Specifically, a cough from Jade, who had a goofie smile on her face and was wiggling her eyebrows at her.

"Fuck you, Jade."

"Naah! You have Brett for that, Adrianna."

"Adrianna? Why is your name so big?!"

"Because your dick isn't!"

"Aww, you guys look so cute together!"

"Shut up, Jade!"

"My dick isn't small!"


  "Because your dick isn't!"    "Aww, you guys look so cute together!""Shut up, Jade!"    "My dick isn't small!"    ~

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This is not the end people! Epilogue is still left!

I wanted to end this book on some special day, like how I completed my first SS on valentine's day, but looks like there are no special occasions coming soon.


Oh, and let me know how is this chapter, as my brain was not working properly because of the fever and the killer headache.

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