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"Don't tell me you haven't save my number yet!"

"My phone doesn't have space for useless contacts."

"I don't know when you will stop insulting me."

"How about, never?"

"Are you normally this rude or am I getting some special treatment?"

"Well, if you think being blunt is rude, then you can say that I am rude to everyone."

"What is your favourite colour?"


"Isn't it boy's colour?"

"What's yours?"


"Isn't it a hobo colour?"

"Black is the evergreen colour, Meanie."

"Yeah and red is the new black."

"There's nothing like new black! Black is black and you cannot replace it."

"Guess I did."


"Hey you boy! Stop right there!"

"Don't move a step!"

"What's going on, Goofie?"

"What the hell do you want?"

"Money that your father borrowed from us!"

"He doesn't even live with us!"

"Doesn't matter! All we need is our money!"

"Do you think I have?"

"Where the fuck are you, Goofie?!"

"Stop being over smart Smith!"

"Put that gun down!"

"Or else what boy?"

"Do you think anyone is going to hear you in the pine woods?"

"Yes. Your fucking death just heard you mister!"


  Cliffhanger and a complicated turn is all you need for the next chap!

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Cliffhanger and a complicated turn is all you need for the next chap!

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