Chapter 27 Side Trip

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" this your phone?" I asked in confusion as I picked up an iPhone from in the fridge shelf.

"Yes! Where was it?"

"In the fridge." I put it in his hands

"Its pretty cold...I wonder how long it was there.." he laughed

"A day or so." Colton shrugged getting a bottle of water.

"Colt...did you do that?"

"Shouldn't steal my phone again." He smirked walking out.

"Oh he is gonna get it." Zach mumbled pissed off

"How so?"

"Haven't worked out the details yet." he pecked my lips

"FASTER! FASTER!" Cassy from the living room.

"I'm somewhat afraid to know." I whisper, he laughed pulling me to the living room.

"I GOING AS FAST AS I CAN!" Andrew yelled, I opened the door slowly afraid to walk into something bad or embarrassing, Cassy and Andrew were playing a game I didn't know. Cassy was yelling at Andrew to hurry.


"DON'T DISTURB HIM! HE'S ABOUT TO WIN!" Cassy shouted at me and Zach. Didn't know she got this competitive

"Ya know babe, YELLING is making this TEN TIMES harder!" He shouted not turning from the television screen

"Who's yelling?" Robin asked coming in, Cassy shushed her

"That's it.... a little farther...No! NO!" His player almost died, but he saved himself quickly "Phew. That was close! and...GOT IT!" He shouted throwing his remote in the air, landing on the couch, he picked up Cassy and kissed her.

"YOU WON!" She yelled hugging him

"Damn straight! I WON!" They celebrated even more, I slowly walked out slipping through the door. Wow. Competitive couple.

"Well that was something." Zach laughed joining me at the kitchen table.

"Yeah. I never thought quiet little Cassy could get so loud."

"And competitive."

" True. Never would've seen that coming, from me or Robin maybe..but Cassy? Never would've guessed."

"Hey guys, were in New York. Wanna stop for a while?" The driver asked

"Yeah." We all said together. Zach grabbed my hand

"Care to sightsee my dear?"

"I'd love it."


"So this is Central Park..." I daydream holding onto Zach

"Yes, big isn't it."


"Well care to have a picnic?"

"Sure!" I beam, we head to Subway and order some subs to take with us. We found a nice spot near the water and eat, quietly enjoying the view. I watched two kids chasing each other giggling, and a old couple holding hands on a bench a little ways away. This place was amazingly perfect, everything balanced out. Children chasing birds, squirrels running around. Butterflies floating around near by flowers. Everything was perfect.

I finished the last piece of my sub and cuddled into Zach's arms. We watched the scene, I heard Zach sigh, I looked up at him.

"Perfect isn't it?"

"Yes, but I know someone even more perfect." he smiled,I laughed quietly

" You're so cheesy."

"You know you love it." He smirked kissing my passionately, I smiled into the kiss, after we pulled away, we headed back to the bus. Must say, today was amazing.

*****On the bus*****

"Well, that was" I say thinking of the park

"That's all you've said since we left babe." Zach laughed

"Well it was wow."

"Okay, yes it was."

"Where's me, Cassy, and Robin gonna sleep?"

"I'm really not sure." He started thinking hard

"I could sleep in the living room--"

"I bet you could fit in with me." he smiled

"Its really cramped I'm not that small."

"Well of you are sleeping on he couch, so am I." I rolled my eyes at him and left to get changed.

I came out and laid on the couch next to Zach and fell asleep thinking of the perfect day I had and thinking of my perfect life.

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