Chapter 31 Telling Jeff and Amy

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I've been in the waiting room for fifteen minutes, it felt like fifteen hours. I tried my best to stay calm. I kept myself from crying, but couldn't stop myself from worrying about her, praying she'll be okay. I don't know what made her take that deadly step, I wish I knew, but she is just... to fragile to be messed with, anything can make her snap, anything. Jay and Dominic ran through the hospital doors making me loose thought.

"We came as soon as we heard. Where is she?" Jay asked me, her makeup was all messed up from crying, Dominic looked like he was about to cry, nothing can make that boy cry, he is a rock. This is a very rare position for him to be in.

"She's in the back. But she can't have visitors." Andrew and Colton bursted through the doors with Cassy and Robin. All four of them have been crying it looked like, of also looked like they ran here instead of taking a car. I would've if I didn't ride in the ambulance. Andrew came next to me

" Zach. Is she--?"

"I don't know, I just hope she's okay." Lex and Shawn came in the next five minutes. I wonder if her parents knew. How could I tell them their daughter could be dead? I can't. I couldn't handle it. "Someone has to tell her parents about this. I just wish I knew their numbers."

"What about her phone?" Shawn asked

"She broke it. It was shattered on the floor when I got to her house."

" Phone book?" Robin asked

"Its out of state."

"Email!" Lex suggested

"Good idea. There's WiFi here right?" Andrew, Colton, and Cassy nodded. I took out my phone and got on Google. I looked up their numbers, Jay wrote them on her hand. I called her mom first after a couple rings she answered.


" Is this Amber's mom?" I asked, I still didn't want to deliver this news..

"Yes. Who is this?"

"Zach, her boyfriend. She's--"

"Oh well hi Zach, how'd you get my number? Amber?"

"No, I looked it up on Google. Listen Amber is in the hospital."

"She is?! Why? How?"

"I really don't know the cause."

"I'm coming to see her."

"She can't have visitors right now, I just thought I should let you know."

"Well thank you for letting me know. I'll let her dad know also."I'm not sure if that's a good idea, doesn't she hate her dad?

"Okay.." She hung up, I bet to call her dad...not sure if this'll end well...

*****Jeff's POV*****

"Exactly, like I said." I smiled

"Dude no, it couldn't have been." Seth was in shock. My phone rang, I walked away and answered it. It was Amy, crying?

"Jeff, it's Amber. She's in the hospital." She cried. No! I just began talking to my daughter again. My Amber?

"What happened?"

" We don't know. I want to see her so bad Jeff."

"I do...too." I was still in shock. I hung up and got on my coat. I walked out, Seth and his girlfriend Tracy followed.

Where is she? She said she's in Pennsylvania, but where? I took a quick look on Seth's phone for her Facebook page, luckily it said she was in Indiana, Pennsylvania.

The three of us got in the car and drove. To Pennsylvania, To see my baby girl again...let her know she'll be okay. To be her dad again.

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