Chapter 28 New Home

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"Wake up girls! We're fifteen minutes to Pennsylvania!" The driver shouted all of us. We groaned and got up stretching, I got changed and packed back up my small suitcase. Everyone was running around packing back while. I sat on the counter and ate cereal.

"So tour is only one and a half more weeks." Zach said

"I wish it was over, you've been away for too long."

"I know, but at least you gt to stay now right?"

" Yeah, it'll be a tough one and a half weeks."

"You'll survive."

"Where is my brush at?" Cassy asked us, we shrugged. Just then Andrew came out brushing his hair with her brush.

"Andddddieeeee...I need my brush." She whined holding back a laugh.

"Hold up one second babe." He brushed his hair again, she waited with her hand out.


"Here." He gave her the brush and she smiled and kissed his cheek

"Thanks babe." She skipped away, Andrew took off in the other direction.


"Here we are, we need to leave after the girls get off, no more side trips." The driver said we all groaned

We got off the bus at the bar, I kissed Zach goodbye

"Week and a half?"

"I'll see you then." Zach kissed me again, all six of us hugged and the boys departed again.

"Miss em don't ya." Jay asked me as I stared at the bus driving away

"Yeah I do. But they'll be home soon."

"I'm sure if I was away from Dominic for that long I'd go crazy." We both laughed

"Well I'm going home now and unpack."


I went back to the apartment and unpacked. I wondered about getting my own house...hmmm...

*****Time skip..I've been doing that a lot sorry :(

Well that's that.. I can begin to move from the apartment to my new home, I found out it was ten minutes away from Zach's place..Yay!

I went back to the apartment again, Luke and Robin were eating when I walked in.

"Hey there." Luke beamed

"Hello. Guess who has a house?"

"George Washington!" Robin yelled jumping up

"No. Me!"

"That's great, but I thought you like it here."

"I did--I do. I just wanna have my own house. I'm a big girl. Its okay, just maybe fifteen minutes away."

" Not to far I guess.." Luke pondered

"You see me everyday in work anyways."

"True. True."

"I'ma gonna go pack now."

"Pack. Unpack. Pack. Unpack." Robin mumbled

"Yep. That's my life." I smirk walking away

I got together what little of things I had, on the bright side, its only one trip. I unlocked my door and walked in.

I tossed my things in the bedroom and plopped on the couch, My phone rang it was Zach.

"Hello this is Jake from State Farm." He say in a man voice

"Well I'm looking for Amber Johnson." He laughed

"I think she's on the other line."

"Can I speak with her?"

"Maaaybeee." I put the phone in my other hand. "Hello is this Zach Beeken?"

"Yes that be me. Five more days."

"Yeah, went by faster than I thought."

"The faster the better."

"Yep true. Guess what? I've got a new house!" I squeak

"Great where?"

"Tennessee where else." I say sarcastically

"Well if you're in Tennessee, how will I see you?"

"Your smart, figure it out Beeken." I laugh

"Seriously where?"


"Aaammmbbber tell me."

"Lips are sealed till you get back."

"Awww, why?"

"Cause I'm Amber that's why."

"Anyways. Gotta go love you, tell me where you live."

"Bye. Love you too. And No." He laughed



I hung up the phone and just watched TV all day. Lazy me.

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