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{Your POV}

You walk to the Hall. Since the Principal summoned all the students to gather there.

And.. What is her plan now? She's always full with surprises. Luckily, she doesn't do an unexpected exam. Or else, everyone will cries with regret. Well, we're not study everyday. Including you. What's life is if you always with books? Erhh. That's not life. Can't believe if there is people like that.

You walked in the hall. You saw your army of friends. Well, you have quite a lot of friends now. And you don't mind it all. You saw Suga and Minhwang. Oh, they're here. Wait, Suga pinching Minhwang's nose?! Oh, okay. A new couple have made. You saw Jimin and Bomi teasing with each other. Well.. You're happy for them, but feeling annoyed at the same time. They don't have to show how intimate they are at here.

You roll your eyes. When you're nearer, you saw, Jin is holding Nana's hand. Whut? They're a couple now? Wew, that's fast. May I faint here? Hana and Hoseok also acting all cute together! We just met yesterday and now, all of them already make a move! Fuh, luckily Chaemi not. She seems not having any relationship with anyone now. Or is it?

I quickly choose my seat which is at the corner of the row. Beside Jungkook. Well, what choice do I have? This asshole will definitely disturb me. Poor me.

Jungkook: Yo, shortie!

Nara: Shut up asshole.

Taehyung: Hey, Nara. *box smile*

Nara: Hey! *smile*

Jungkook: Why don't you smile at me like that too?

Nara: Because you're an asshole. :P

Jungkook chuckles. You roll your eyes. Then, Mrs. Kim entered the Hall.

Mrs. Kim: Hello everyone. Sorry for asking you guys come here without notice. Well, I will just take the two first period, so don't worries. Okay, I will just get to the point. You guys do remember the Chinese boys yesterday right? Well, they will be here for 3 months!

Everyone cheers. Why am I having a bad feeling now? I thought in my heart.

Mrs.Kim: So, I need all of you, please cooperate well with them. They are considered as our guest. And.. Of course there will be a special one to guide them here. But, all of you have to guide them as well. Luhan, Tao and Jun, you guys may come in now.

A lot of girl starting to squealing over them. And I? Rolling eyes. But when you heard, a lot of them squealing over Jun, your heart felt hurt. This.. Couldn't be. I.. Like him? No no no. It can't be! I shook by head.

Jungkook: Why sis?

Nara: Nothing.

Jungkook: You're sure?

He cupped your forehead. You slapped his hand away.

Jungkook: You're not having a fever. So.. It must be your brain need to be fix.

Nara: Yah! I said I'm okay!

Jungkook: Ahah! Not for me! You need to see a doctor.

Nara: W-What? No! Just shut up will ya?

Jungkook: I love ya. So I need to look after you. If you dead, it will more burden for me.

Nara: You have to worry for yourself. You're the one who will be dead first. By me!

He burst into laughter. And it was kind of loud. You quickly cupped his mouth. But it's too late. Great, now everyone is looking at us. I'll kill you for sure after this, cook. You thought in your head.

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