Part 14

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Luscinia: I wish I could just marry you all over again. *gasps* We should get divorced so we can get married again. Can we do that?
Ryuu: Yes.
Luscinia: Really?
Ryuu: Yes, let's do it.
Luscinia: Yay, we're getting divorced!

Mazui: My relationship with my siblings is always either, "Yo, I'll help you hide the body," or, "Do not even breathe in my direction." There is no in between.

Venus: You were supposed to hand in an essay on current events.
Flint: Yeah, which I did.
Venus: No, this is today's newspaper with your name written on top. In crayon.

Holly: *pointing to Meshi* Is she your daughter?
Dino: What? No, that would be weird.
Holly: It's weirder if she's not your daughter.

Delivery man: Delivery for... Sacred Mistress of Dark Spirits and All That is Unholy?
Athena: Oh cool, my Pillow Pet. Where do I sign?

Momo: Thank you for agreeing to see me.
Blootorn: I didn't, you just walked in here and started talking.
Momo: I don't have time for a history lesson.

Kit: I never did like chasing my tail.
Fimbre: But it's a lot of fun when you catch it.

Alva: Help me with this crossword puzzle. I need a five-letter word for disappointment.
Tiamat: "Panja".
Panja: ...
Alva: It fits!

Surge: We've been drinking tea all evening. I'm sick of tea!
Yuri: Sick of tea!? That's like being sick of breathing!

Sniper: Then the Brotherhood saved me. And it was at that moment I decided that all of the Brotherhood was evil and deserved to be punished.
Momo: Starting to notice one or two holes in your little story.

Kiori: How would you like to play a game?
Vesta: A game, huh? Like Monopoly?
Kiori: Exactly like Monopoly, except instead of going to jail, you wind up in a shallow grave.
Vesta: Uh...
Kiori: It's a hoot!

Meshi: Come home with me or take this two month's supply of cheese. The choice is yours.
Miso: I kinda want the cheese...

Yuri: You handcuffed Anahita to Flint!?
Shadow: She put a dead fish in my closet!
Anahita: Flint is way worse than a dead fish!

[Something in the room falls over]
Luscinia: If that was a spirit, you need to chill. If that was gravity, you also need to chill.

Vesta: I can't find Jakal in this crowd! This calls for drastic measures.
Astral: *from across the room* wHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?
Vesta: There he i— Wait what?

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