Part 3

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Flint: Good morning!
Athena: Good morning, everyone.
Surge: ... Good morning.
Melress: Good morning~!
Venus: Good morning, students!
Yuri: You all sound like robots. "Good morning, good morning." Spice it up!

Shadow: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3AM to look at the stars.
Athena: If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, even Titan himself, wakes me up at 3AM to look at the damn sky, they will be removed, indefinitely, from my life.

Miso: I keep cursing in ice cream flavors. Alfric told me to stop, but I'm still doing it.
Pearl: How do you curse in ice cream flavors?
Miso: What the mint chocolate chip did you say to me, punk? I'll kick your rocky road and then punch the ever-loving strawberry cheesecake out of you!
Pearl: ... That was beautiful.

Kubiki: Shouldn't you be asleep right now?
Arkos: I should be a lot of things, but I live to disappoint.

Cicuta: You're cute, but selfish and narcissistic to a point of near delusion.
Coventina: He called me cute.

Melress: I can make anything sound positive.
Surge: Your house just burned down and you lost all your money in the stock market.
Melress: It's a chance to start over, fire is cleansing, and true wealth is measured by the amount of love in your life.

Tyra: I heard that one in every eight people are gay. That means at least one person in Legion is gay.
Aethor: I hope it's Tina because Tina's cute.

Yuri: Don't worry, Melress likes your butt and your fancy hair. I know, I read her diary.
Athena: She thinks it's fancy...?

Astral: I trust Flint.
Romex: You think he knows what he's doing?
Astral: I'm not sure I'd go that far.

Arbus: Well, danger is my middle name!
Cicuta: That's a lie. Your middle name is Cutie Pie.

Lumi: The new plan is... no plan! We wing it!
Lumi: It's probably not gonna work, but I said it with a lot of confidence!

Jakal: I hate being the third wheel.
Osiris: Oh, please. You know, you've been the third wheel with me and Kami so long, I think of us as a tricycle.

Miso: That's one of my biggest fears.
Alfric: What is?
Miso: If I ever woke up as a donut-
Alfric: You would eat yourself.
Miso: I wouldn't even question it.

Melody: Master Silvanus? No, he's dumb, what a jerk, what a- *trips*
[Hundreds of thousands of photos of Silvanus fall out of her jacket]
Melody: I don't even like him, I- These aren't mine- I'm just- *gathers them up frantically, sweating* Listen, I just- Listen- Fuck-
[Photos scatter across the floor]
Melody: Shit- I'm holding them for a friend- jUST LISTEN-

Morra: *searching the beach* Sorry, Arkos, it doesn't look like there's any sand dollars left.
Arkos: Can't the ocean just make more of them?
Morra: And cause inflation? Destroy the sand economy? Titan, Arkos, use your head!

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