Part 15

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Achaz: I never thought you'd become my friend.
Sniper: Because of the time I threw that knife at you?
Achaz: Good times.

[What fangirls think most stories are.]
Aethor: *pushes too dolls together and blushes* Yay....
[What we make most stories into.]
Anahita: *trying to stab Coventina* Don't worry, it creates character development!

Miso: I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.

Aethor: I'm as gay as a bag of popcorn.
Miso: Did someone say popcorn?!

Ryuu: I hug people I hate so I know how big of a ditch to dig in my backyard.

[Oak and Pan looking for new clothes.]
Oak: Oh yeah! New cape and boots--
Pan: *slaps Oak* No capes!
Oak: Isn't that my decision?
Pan: Do you remember...
Pan: Iceberg, tall, handsome, good with kids.
Oak: Look, listen, I--
Pan: November 15th! All went well, another day saved.... Cape caught in a missile.
Oak: Iceberg was not the brightest--
Pan: Venom! April 23rd! Cape stuck in a branch and was mauled by wandering!
Oak: You can't generalize--
Pan: Dynamite! Cape caught in a train door!
Pan: Celsius! Cape caught in a whirlpool!
Pan: Hail! Cape caught in a fan blade!
Pan: No capes!!
Pan: *starts to walk away* Go on, find something you'll like.

Jakal: Vesta, you said "later" two hours ago!
Vesta: Jakal, when men say "later", they really mean "not ever"!

[Jakal, Vesta, and Astral are watching Dora The Explorer]
Dora: Where is the blue square?
Jakal: It's right there! *pokes blue square on tv screen*
Vesta: *points to yellow triangle* That's totally it.
Dora: *looks at red circle* Is this the blue square?
Jakal: *internally screaming*
Astral: Who even turned this shit on anyway?!

[Osiris is looking for a stuffed animal for Kami.]
Osiris: *reaches for teddy bear* How about this one?
Kami: Not that one!
Osiris: Why not?
Kami: He's in jail for murdering a man.
Osiris: Kami, I love you and all, but what the fuck?

Dino: I never understood what was so great about raising a child until I started raising one myself.
Dino: I've only had Meshi for a couple of hours, but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.

Holly: If Luscinia and I were both drowning, who would you save?
Ryuu: I don't know. Both of you.
Holly: No, you can only save one of us.
Ryuu: I would probably save Luscinia since I happen to know you're an excellent swimmer.
Holly: Suppose I was holding an anchor. Who would you save then?
Ryuu: Why don't you let go of the anchor?
Holly: It's a family heirloom.
Ryuu: I'm leaving.

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