Part 24

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Coventina, holding a stuffed animal: And they say no one beats the claw machine!
Anahita: That's great, Coventina. Aren't you going to give it to Aethor?
Coventina: She won it for me!

Vesta: I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
Astral: What?
Vesta: You are ten times smarter than any girl you meet.
Astral: You said it was a secret.

Anahita: I could kill you if I wanted.
Coventina: Yeah? So could a dedicated duck. You're not special.

Yuri: Get over here, Surge. Being part of the group means being a part of group hugs.

Mirin: These silences are very hard for me to read. What’s the vibe in here?
Miso: We’re freaking out, Mirin!

Jakal: You guys have been down here for two hours! Did you have sex 40 times?
Osiris: No! 40 times? Jakal-- What?

Vesta: *puts hot sauce on his food*
Jakal: Careful, that's hot.
Vesta: Ha! Oh, is it? *covers food in hot sauce*
Vesta: *spits it out*

Vesta: Jakal, tell me I’m pretty.
Jakal: Were we not in the desert, I would take you in a manly fashion.
Vesta: Because I’m pretty?
Jakal: Because you’re pretty.

Panja: Alva, I'm so depressed.
Alva: It's the depression.

Dino: Daddy's here, and daddy's going to take care of you.
Meshi: Please don't refer to yourself as my daddy.

Pearl: I don’t dislike you, I nothing you.
Sniper: That’s special.

[Alfric is dropping Miso off at a school]
Alfric: So I’ll pick you up around 10.
Miso: At night?!

Athena: If any of you need anything at all… too bad. Deal with your problems yourselves like adults. I’ll be in my office.

Anahita: Flint! What are you doing tomorrow?
Flint: Having my day ruined with whatever you’re about to ask me to do.

Fimbre: I can’t tell if you’re being arrogant or ignorant.
Coventina: Both, I imagine.

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