Chapter Eight.

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I Just My Really Miss You by, the one and only, Miranda Lambert was my inspiration for this chapter. It spoke to me. This is Ocie’s song right now.

Again, I always want to thank everyone for coming and reading. This is my first book and I absolutely love that you guys are enjoying this as much as I am! Comments are definitely asked for! Anything you guys want to see in the book, I will try to work it in. I want to hear how I can make it better as well!

Thanks for everything! My readers are the most awesome! (:

Chapter Eight

Ocie’s POV

As soon as he touched me, I could feel my heart drop to my stomach. It was like his touch sent firecrackers through my blood. I’d never experienced anything like it before in my life. Just breathing him in was too much for me, let alone having to think to kiss him. It was difficult to keep my mind in reality. I was already in sex heaven in my brain. I wanted to know what was under those clothes. I didn’t care that we were in the middle of the woods. I could care less. I wanted him here and now. That’s when I felt his tongue play against my lips. He was asking permission. That was sweet. I granted him entrance and moaned as our tongues danced.

I pulled him back so that I could feel him all over me. I couldn’t think of anything, but him and this moment; the best moment of my life. My wolf was so happy that she was singing. It was obvious that she was enjoying this probably more than I was. It was great to see her happy again. I was afraid I’d lost her.

That’s when it hit me, I was kissing him. I was letting him put his hands on me. I wasn’t just some girl. I was to be his girl. That’s when I shoved him off. I ran to my horse. I knew he wouldn’t dare come near the horse. If he killed my horse, I’d never forgive him.  As I untied Junior, I began walking him to a clearing in the trees.

“Wait, Ocie, please don’t go. I can’t bear it any longer. We’re made for each other! Come to me and be with me…” he sounded as though he was pleading.

“It’s not that easy. You’ll see how it feels; I’d rather be alone than be with you. Find Paisley. I’m sure she’ll take you back.” I tried to hide the pain that was in my voice. I didn’t mean a word of what I said. If he wanted me as bad as he says he does, he’ll fight for me. That’s all I ever wanted, for him to want me back. I’d have that before I’d give in and become his Luna. His Luna. That felt nice to say, even if it was in my brain.

“Don’t go… Please, babe, I’m begging you. ” Raylan held out his hand and looked at me longing. This was the most difficult thing I’d have to do. I turned my back on him and jumped on Junior. I jerked Junior and began riding into my land. He wouldn’t dare follow me. If he spooked Junior, he might buck me off. He’d never risk my safety.

When I reached the land that I knew was mine, I let the tears stream. They fell like rocks. I trusted my horse with every fiber of my being. I lay against his mane and cried my eyes out. Junior guided us around the lake almost seven times before I stopped crying. I grabbed the rains and I was ready. I hoped he was prepared because he was not going to be finished running for awhile. I had to get my frustration out. I had him stop so I could hop down. I stripped naked and put my clothes in the saddle bags.

I shifted and he was still eating grass. I loved how he didn’t even flinch. I’d only run with him once before and he sensed this was getting ready to take place. We took off. I didn’t know for how long. I guess until one of us got tired. I thought about how this was going to kill me. That’s kiss with Raylan told me everything I wanted to know.  I knew, for sure, without a shadow of doubt, he was my mate. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I never thought I would be the mate of an Alpha. My family was VERY far down the ranks. All we did was live everyday lives and fought when there was a battle. We never once had any authority. I didn’t know how to handle this. I would love to say I was excited. Truth be told, I am scared to death.

Being a Luna was terrifying. Everyone always watched your every move. It seems like I even knew when the appointment was for Raylan’s mom to get a haircut. She was watched more closely than the Alpha was. Most likely it is for her protection, but that was still unnerving.

As we ran, I felt better. Nothing would stop me wanting him as badly as I do right now, but the pain of not having him by my side wasn’t gut wrenching at this point. I slowed down and realized that Junior was sweating.  I shifted back and got dressed. I needed him home in case I overworked him. I’m pretty sure he would’ve stopped running though if something was wrong. We just walked all the way home. He was tired after that. We both were. The only thing I knew definitely was one thing.

Even if Raylan is my mate, he’s going to have to work for it; he’s going to have to work for me.

Raylan’s POV

I watched as she disappeared into the woods. I knew I couldn't follow. That damn horse would react. He would protect her. There was something different about that horse. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was interrupted with my wasted thinking by my Beta.

“We have to go, Ray,” Johnny Lee stated with a hurried expression.

“What the hell for?” As I was getting up off my knees, I guessed I had fallen when she left.

“Alpha wants a word with you…” Oh god, this cannot be good.

As we headed up the back of my house, I could see he was waiting for me. His hands were in sphere of fury.  This wasn’t going to go well. He wanted to retire so bad that if I messed this up for him, I’m pretty sure he would make me challenged him right now for the position. Taking the position without my Alpha Female would be unheard of. It wasn’t like I could back down either. I would bring bad luck to my pack today if this happened. He started speaking while I was still walking toward him. Well, I wouldn’t call it speaking.

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU HAVE ‘ANOTHER’ MATE?! HOW COULD YOU SCREW THIS UP FOR ME, RAYLAN?” taking a breath so that he wouldn't change gave me a split second to try and explain.

“Dad, you don’t…” he cut me off.

“You damn well better not say I don’t UNDERSTAND. I UNDERSTAND perfectly well. You must do everything in your power to fuck this up, right? You can’t just let your mother and I just walk away peacefully? You WILL mate Paisley and you WILL make her your Alpha Female. The discussion is over.” He began to turn, when I forcefully pleaded my case.

“What about Mom, Dad? Did you ever think about her? If I don’t recall, you had the same choice as well when you were a kid. I don’t choose who I love, you should know the first hand what this feels like. I have NO feelings for Paisley. If I have to run with Ocie, I will. You did and her father finally made you Alpha of this pack. You will realize this was my decision on day and let me take over. Or if it does come down to it, I will fight for my rightful position as Alpha. I don’t want to do that, dad, but I will for her. She’s my mate. Mom is yours, think about that.” I was trying to stop myself from shaking. I said that as calmly as I could. I couldn’t think of anything that was making calm down except that kiss. My fingers straightened out and I could finally look at my father. He was burning mad.

“Because of your mother, I’m giving you until the day before ceremony. You have exactly one month. If not, you will mate Paisley. She is the ‘rightful’ Alpha Female.” His glare was tearing me to shreds.

“You’re wrong. Ocie is, that’s why my wolf wants her.” I said under my breath as I walked off. I wasn’t hearing anymore of this shit.

I jumped in my truck and headed down to Winter’s house. I had to talk to her. She was my last and final hope. I just hoped she didn’t hit me. It wouldn’t be anything less than I deserved, though.

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