Chapter Twelve.

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The suspense! (: I was told I must write soon.

Here you go, Krista. (:

Also, I’m up to two hundred reads on chapter one and above a hundred and most of the other ones! I want to thank you so much for all who read. It really makes my day!

Much Love.


Chapter Twelve.

Raylan’s POV.

As soon as Ocie shifted back to human, our connection was cut off. If we didn’t mate soon, I was going to go insane. I feel helpless right now and I’m the damn Alpha! All I could do was strip naked and shift. I ran as fast as I can with Sawyer on my heels. He wasn’t as fast as me so I knew he would catch up. He could just follow my sent. I was sick, though, sick with worry. What if it wasn’t just Winter, what if something happened to Ocie. I’d never forgive myself. I had only a few more days until I would have to mate with her. She had to be my mate before the ceremony. Really a day before so my dad’s threat couldn’t be carried out.

Snapping back to reality quick, I could see Ocie running as quickly as I could. Being Alpha, and this being an emergency, I crossed the territory line. I would explain to her father soon. Sawyer came to a complete stop. There would be no way he couldn’t be punished for stepping over that line. He left claw marks like skid marks.

I shifted and ran to Ocie. I took Winter in my arms and ran to Sawyer. Once I handed Winter to him, he took of speeding to the pack doctor who was waiting at my house. After seeing him run, I turned to check on Ocie. I had to make sure my girl was okay. She had tears in her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. She had ran at werewolf speed for almost ten to twelve miles. She was a strong woman, my Alpha Female. Not many females can accomplish that.

It was like she read my mind and she fell to the ground. She had fainted. She over worked her body so much that she herself was hurt. I’ll never forgive myself.

I pick up her heated body and ran back to the pack house right after Sawyer. As soon as the doc worked on Winter, he would be seeing Ocie. Period.


As soon as we got back to the pack house, I walked in to a number of eyes on me. I had forgotten that I was as bare as my birthday. Whoops. I got a few whistles from my friends and “Oh, God.”’ from  a few girls there. I hung Ocie lower to cover up my package. I felt a little bad that I was rubbing her on me. I felt my hard on set in. I needed to get dressed quick.

Setting her down and pulling on my pants, I asked “What the hell happened out in that field!?”

I think everyone could feel my anger building as the cringed at every word.

A whole bunch of silence filled the room. Did no one know anything!? I’m so pissed off at this point. How could no one know anything?

“I said, what the hell HAPPENED in that FIELD!?” At this point everyone was shifting their weight on their feet. Everyone, but Sawyer.

Grabbing him by the throat, I pressed him up against a wall. I could feel him going limp. I released some on the tension, enough for him to talk.

“Alpha, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I don’t know what happened. Honestly, one minute I was walking and the next I saw her naked on the field.”

I didn’t know where he was going with this, but he had already violated territory rules anyway. He stepped on Ocie’s families land and he would have to pay for that. I wanted to hear what happened next.

“What the fuck did you do.” To that he was quite. He didn’t speak. What a coward.

“Alpha command, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER!?” Maybe it was wrong that I was doing this in the middle of the pack house, but I didn’t care. If he did something wrong, everyone will know in a matter of minutes.

“I… raped her. Then, I… tired… to claim her… as my own… I was trying… to fix what I’d… just done…” his breath and voice were becoming strained by my grip. He did NOT hurt one of our females. That was just a cardinal sin.

I took my free hand and punched him three times. I chose this piece of shit to be my third. What the fuck was wrong with me. I wish Johnny Lee was here so he could stop me from tearing him apart. I had just sent him on an errand for me, too. Just fucking lovely. I was shaking and getting ready to shift when I felt sparks fly up my back. Her calming touch was all I need. I was so elated that Ocie was okay that I turned around and kissed her. It only took a few moments to break the kiss and deal with this worthless piece of flesh.

Sawyer was beginning to get up when a few regular guys from the pack grabbed him. I looked at the closest free man and sent him to retrieve Winters parents.

“Please, let me do it. She’s my sister, Ray. I have to do it.” Ocie said with tears streaming down her face. I couldn’t bear to see my angel like this. She was too beautiful to cry. I hated that Sawyer did this. He was supposed to be my in my top ranks. This makes it look like I have a bad choice of character. Hitting a woman was just a single beating in human form if found out. I’ve never seen anyone accused of rape.

“I can’t let you do that angel. You know I couldn’t forgive myself for you being hurt. He’ll have his rightful punishment. You know…“

Sawyer cut me off. “Honestly Ray, I don’t know what happened. It just…”

“HOW FUCKING DARE YOU EVEN OPEN YOUR MOUTH! IF I WASN’T A RESPECTFUL MATE, I WOULD KILL YOU RIGHT IN THIS HOUSE. DON’T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD TO MY MATE, DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?” Ocie’s threat became clear. Everyone was starring at the little frame in front of me that held my very pissed off mate. She had every right to say those things. Hell, if he was being held, I would let her take a few bites at him. She was shaking so violently that she shifted before my hand even reached her. She was growling and biting at him; only taunting him. Everyone in the room was frozen; transfixed on their next Alpha Female. This was just sexy in all honesty. I felt bad for having a hard on in the current situation, but I need to mate with her soon. The suspense is killing me.

“Ocie baby, stand down. Wait for her father at least.” With that she walked her way upstairs to my room. I felt like following, but I knew she was getting clothes and I couldn’t take her naked figure right now. Within a few minutes, she came back down stairs.

“I want to go see her.” Was all she said. I nodded and took her out the front door. We walked past a few pack members who starred at Ocie with awe. None of our Alpha Female’s has ever shown aggression. I guess they were proud to have such a bad ass. I know I am.

Ocie’s POV.

When we entered the hospital, I was hit pretty hard with the smell of blood. That bastard’s going to pay for what he did to my Winter. Fuck the pack and the rules, she was my sister and now I’m going have my revenge. Nice and slow, that’s for sure.

I was so consumed of anger that I forgot that I was the one that left her there. All to yell at someone. I caused this as much as Sawyer did. It wasn’t her fault she was naked, we had just got done with a run she wanted to do. She’s my best friend and if something happened to her, I’d never forgive myself. I’m going to make his death nice and slow. How dear he does anything against her will. It’s ridiculous that Raylan’s making me wait to kill him.

In the middle of my thoughts, I was pulled back by the pack doctor. “The only way she’s going to survive is if she shifts. We can’t keep her conscience long enough to have her shift. We’re out of blood. I don’t know if there’s anything else we can do.” If I lose, I’d die. Right here and now, in front of his doctor. I feel to my knees to have Raylan catch me before I fell. I was sobbing in his arms and he was shushing me. telling me that it was going to be okay. How could it be!? My best friend was dying and I’m the cause. Even if my bite didn’t kill her, I knew I helped with it. if I’d never left her alone, we wouldn’t be here. I couldn’t stop my crying. I was crying even with no tears anymore. I’d thrown up twice by how hard the crying was. Raylan didn’t say a word.

That’s when we all heard a flat line.

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