Chapter 4: Leaving

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I hacked through the lock of the cell and it opened. No one came after us two as I dragged him towards Haggar's lair. I handed him a Galra outfit as I overrided the alarm system and we both changed. I continued going through the halls until the alarms started going off.

"I thought you hacked them!" Shiro shouted over the noise.

"I did! They must've been fixed!" I shouted back.

He grabbed my wrist and continued towards the escape pods.

"We are escaping now or never!"

I was just 5 feet away from the escape pods when he let go, only for me to be kidnapped by Sendak himself.


"Go Shiro! Save yourself."

I gave him a small smile.

"It's okay!"

"I'll return for you YN! I promise!" Shiro said, eyes turning glossy.

He continued running, turning back to see if it was true. He made it too the escape pods and left for Earth.

That was 6 months ago.

Within these six months I was forced to fight, and forced to become a living weapon. I wasn't called Experiment Kodak anymore. The Galra referenced to me as a weapon. They had no respect for me.

Today I was walking to Haggar's lair, to get tested on.

They injected some of the serum to put me under into my blood flow. It wasn't powerful to knock me unconscious without the rest of the dose, but it was enough to make me sleepy.

Two boys, in their late teens, came into the lair and started fighting Haggar. They succeeded and both ran over to me.

"This must be the pretty lady who Pidge was talking about."

"Lance, shut up."

The one in red armor started undoing my straps and slipped his hands under my legs and neck. I looked up at him with my soft, grey eyes.

"It's gonna be okay. We're here to save you."

Him and Lance ran back to two giant robotic cats.

"Got her, Pidge."

"We also knocked out Haggar in the process," Lance said in a very obnoxious tone.

The blue person is cocky, got it.

"Hey, you can sleep if you want to. I don't know how much rest you got in there."

I nodded at their politeness.

"Who are you?"

He just kept looking out the windshield as we started to take off.

"I'm Keith. And you are?"

I gulped, feeling not exactly safe, but not in total danger.


"Well," he looked back.
"It's nice to meet you."

He gave a small smile.

"Keith, is she awake?"

I sat behind his chair, on the floor. I heard a somewhat familiar voice.


I got up, groaning in pain. I faced the screen to see the young girl perk up.

"YN! I can't believe it."

Suddenly I saw all the other people on the screen. One face catching my sight.



I smiled a huge grin, and he just laughed.

"Hi, I'm Hunk. I don't mean to interrupt but how do you know each other?"

I smiled, not getting the thought of Shiro being alive out of my head.

"Right YN?"

Everyone laid eyes on me theoretically because they were piloting the cat, lions…? For now we'll call them beasts.


Everyone smiled.

"So I'm guessing you know Lance, from when he helped rescue you?"

Instead of me using my voice, Keith answered for me with a nod.

"YN, please rest. It'll be best until we can get you in a healing pod at the castle."

I took his advice, and soon enough I was out like a light.

Life Beneath A Storm (Shiro x Reader) [✖]Where stories live. Discover now