Chapter 5: Cute Memories

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"I hope she'll be okay."

"I don't know, Hunk. She was put under, but not the full dose."

"Did you see the cuts on her legs and arms?"

"The healing pod can take care of that, Lance."

"Where's Shiro?"

A door opened, but I could barely here that or what this female said. But I made it out.

"He's with Coran getting some food for our guest. Pidge, when will she be out of the healing pod?"

"Just a few more ticks."

After she said that, the healing pod's door opened and I fell into Keith's arms.

"Good morning."

He smiled at my humor as he helped me sit down on the stairs below me.

"How are you feeling YN?"

I looked up at Pidge.


I looked down at my legs, noticing that I don't have cuts anymore, but more so scars.

"My cuts," I mumble.

"The healing pod took care of them. Now they're just scars."

I smiled, hoping that one day they would fade and I'd forget all the horrible memories in Zarkon's prison.

Just as I was about to voice my hunger, my stomach beat me to it.

"Let's get her some food."

Lance and Keith helped me up as everyone walked to the dining hall.

"Ah, looks like she's awake."

I looked at the man with ginger hair and a ginger mustache.

"And she is hungry." I said, making everyone laugh.

Before I sat down, I walked across the room to Shiro, and hugged him. He hugged me back, grinning from ear to ear that I was here.

"I missed you, Shiro."

He hugged me tighter.

"I missed you too, YN."

He released me and helped me to where my dish of food was. I began eating, still ladylike as everyone looked at me in awe. I finished what was in my mouth, and covering it said, "How can I help?"

They all smiled.

"You're still so polite-"
"And respectful-"
"And ladylike-"
"And beautiful."

Everyone stared at Lance as I started to laugh. Everyone smiled as they saw me, happy.

"YN, how are you still so happy even after all those years in the empire?"

I looked at Pidge, still smiling.

"Because I'm finally free. Finally free to do whatever I please, to wear whatever I want."
I stood up.
"I don't have to fight anymore. I don't have to kill other people anymore. How I'm still this happy was because of my years before Shiro came," I took a deep breath.
"Before he got captured, I was working on a way out of there. Then I would be back on my way to Earth. I would be back with Shiro soon and we could've lived life like none of that ever happened. That was before my arm."
I looked over at the black paladin.
"But it seems that Zarkon has a piece of both of us now."

I looked down, appetite leaving my system.

I felt a hand on my lower back.

"You should eat something, YN."

I nodded my head, sitting down and continued eating.

"We should give you some time. But before we do, I am Allura, princess of Altea. And this is Coran, my royal advisor."

She motioned for Lance, Keith, Hunk and Coran to leave. Making it me, Shiro and Pidge.

"If you don't mind telling us, what happened in the prison."

I sighed, putting my spoon down.

"A lot happened. They first four years, I was an experiment, mainly called 'Experiment Kodak' and then one day they threw me in Shiro's cell. The day we had to fight. We fought but both came out victorious. We would never see each other and when we did, we planned on escaping. It took us a whole year to escape. But he only made it out. I was stuck fighting and being tortured on for however long since Shiro left."

He chimed in with a serious tone: "6 months."

You nodded and continued.
"For 6 months. Then you guys came and saved me."

Pidge nodded.

"I don't know if you remember this or not Katie, but you were there when I launched. You were about 7."

She nodded her head again.

"I do. I idolized your work in the Garrison. When my dad brought me into the lab, I would always go with Matt and Shiro to reminisce in your glory."

I smiled.

"You might not remember this, but I remember when I was 15 and you were 16 Shiro, that we would always work while baby sitting Katie when she was old enough to come in our lab."

He smiled a huge grin.

"You would even work one handed to make sure she wasn't crying."

I gave out a small laugh.

"That's what I call pro skills, YN."

I smiled at him one of my proud smiles like back in the Garrison.

"Wow, you guys took care of me when my dad couldn't. You guys were like part time parents back as teens."

We both nodded. I got up and grabbed my plate just to be treated by Shiro.

"I got that YN. Please, sit."

I smiled and nodded as he walked out the room.

"Sounds like you two were love birds back in the day."

I sighed, trying to avoid thinking of the sadness from 6 and a half years ago.

"We actually confessed our love on our graduation day."

Shiro sat next to me.

"The day before she left for Titan."

I nodded.

"Well, Coran and I have to run a bunch of tests on you, YN. Cmon. Shiro, you can come too."

He nodded and followed us to the infirmary.

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